Business System Analysis Cheat Sheet
Chap 1: A system is a set of steps (process) put together to accomplish a task. An information system (IS) is an arrangement of people, data, processes, and information technology that interact to collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to support an organization.Types of IS : A transaction processing system (TPS): captures and processes data about business transactions. A management information system (MIS): provides for management-oriented reporting based on other computer systems. A decision support system (DSS): provides information to help make decisions. An expert system: captures the expertise of workers and then simulates that expertise to the benefit of nonexperts. A communications and collaboration system: enables more effective communications between workers, partners, customers, and suppliers to enhance their ability to collaborate.An office automation system: supports the wide range of business office activities that provide for improved work flow between workers. Systems analyst – a specialist who studies the problems and needs of an organization to determine how people, data, processes, and information technology can best accomplish improvements for the business.
Chap2 : Information systems architecture - a unifying framework into which various stakeholders with different perspectives can organize and view the fundamental building blocks of information systems. Knowledge (ERD), process (UML) and communication (Interface).
Chap3 : Capability Maturity Model (CMM) – a standardized framework for assessing the maturity level of an organization’s information system development and management processes and products.
Model-driven development – a system development strategy that emphasizes the drawing of system models to help visualize and analyze problems, define business requirements, and design information systems. Process modeling – a process-centered technique popularized by the structured analysis and design methodology