Analysing Marketing Issues for Hewitt Associates
Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing is a discipline in its own right and one of the fastest developing fields of marketing. A business-to-business marketing organisation focuses on relationship building and communication through marketing activities. Nowadays, focus of marketing has shifted from tangible things to intangibles things like skills, information and knowledge. Business-to-business marketers are emphasising on ongoing relationships and connectivity with the clients but some gaps can still be found. B2B organisations are drifting away from their main theme, quality that can be achieved with the help of value creation and proposition. Lack of internal marketing would cause lack of commitment within the employees which can be harmful to the organisation and may result in poor performance arising from inferior service offerings and higher costs.
I have chosen my previous company, Hewitt Associates Pvt. Ltd. to study the marketing frameworks as I have worked in the company for three years and am familiar with the operations of the company. Hewitt is one of the world’s leading HR consulting and outsourcing companies and has a simple mission – “Making the world a better place to work”. Hewitt has its branches in more than 30 countries with more than 23000 employees having a clear focus of delivering excellent customer service and measurable business results. Hewitt values its people, excellence, teamwork and integrity. Its main focuses are to keep clients first, create a rewarding experience, growth with intention and get lean. Hewitt helps its clients to create and manage their retirement programs, design and deliver health plans, find ways to reduce their HR costs. Hewitt has maintained very good client relationships which are based on innovation, reliability and results. Hewitt provides
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