Marianella Moore
September 25, 2012
Walt Hill
Business writing steps
Thesis statement;
How do I relay a negative message in a positive way to three different audiences? 1. Perform an audience analysis 2. Determine audience type 3. Choose message formats • A business letter • A business memo • An e-mail message 4. Offer a solution to fix problem 5. Consider positive and negative 6. Show empathy in message 7. Offer alternatives
Marianella Moore September 25, 2012
678 Presedential St.
Philadelphia, PA 19116
Store Managers
2469 Ridge Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19137
Dear Store Managers;
As some of you are aware there has been many budget cuts within the company, in result we had to make some changes in order to save your jobs. Due to the Issues Strawbridge’s is currently facing there will be some adjustments made that will affect your work schedule. All Managers will have to work fewer days a week. The company is forced to make these adjustments in effort to combat rising gas prices and save money on store operations.
In the upcoming week Stores will be closed on Sundays. On Monday through Saturday, stores will open an hour later and close an hour earlier. Full-time employees, including managers, work four 10-hour days a week. Part-time employees consolidate their hours 1, 2 or 3 day workweeks; depending on how many hours they are scheduled to work. No stores are closing and no new stores are opening.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this new change may have caused. As always we appreciate your hard work and dedication to our company. If you have any questions and or concerns, please feel free to contact me and I will do my very best to assist you.
Marianella Moore
References: Locker, K. O., & Kienzler, D. S. (2008). Business and administrative communication eighth edition (8th ed.). : McGraw-Hill.