Internal Recruitment Involves transferring or promoting employees from other position within the company. This approach offers several advantages:
Boosts employee morale by reinforcing the value of experience within the firm.
Reduce risk for firm since current employees have a proven track record.
Lower cost of both recruitment and training.
External Recruitment Looking for employees outside the firm, usually means tapping into range of different resources. The possibilities include employment website, newspaper ads, trade associations, college and university, employment center and employment agencies. But the most promising source of new hires may be referrals from current employees. Employee referral programs also represent a real bargain for employers.
Once you have pool a qualify candidate, your next step is to choose the best person for the job. A typical selection process includes accepting application, interviewing, testing, checking references and background, and making job offer.
Application The application is primarily a tool to reject unqualified candidates, rather than to actually choose qualified candidates.
Interviews Virtually every company uses interviews a central part of the selection process. To help ensure that interviews better predict performance, expert recommends a structured interview.
Testing Either before of after the interview process, a growing number of companies have instituted employment testing is various sorts. The main category includes skill testing, personality testing, drug testing, and physical exam. References and background Checks Researches from the society for Human Resources Manager suggest that more than 50 % of job candidate
References: (Kelly, McGowen. (2012). BUSN 4 (4th ed., pp.223-224). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning).