The Buzkashi Tooi
The book “Buzkashi” Game in Power in Afghanistan is written by G. Whitney Azoy is introducing the Buzkashi game in Afghanistan in details, but in the third chapter of this book which is about the the Buzkashi Tooi, he describes that how this game is held in the local places. First he explains the word Tooi, rite of passage, and marriage. Then he argues that the buzkashi tooi is a Khan’s activities. According to him, Khans are those who have some kind of influence on the people of the village. He writes that the Buzkashi game has three major sections, preparation, festivities, and after math. As he writes Preparation to the Buzkashi Tooi is one of the problematic parts of the Buzkashi Tooi. It concern with material resources, such as the procurement of goods necessary, the cooking of foods, and readying the guest houses. Tooi-wala, who is the festival responsible, involves some consideration, such as himself, his closest associates, his relatives, and the hosts. These responsible people are mostly the Khans. Because the Khans are related to more people, so they need to spend more money to have a successful Tooi. They need to invite more people from far distance places. These festivals mostly occur in the Khan’s son’s marriage, because the Khan is the leader a village so hundreds of people are invited. In such festivals, Buzkashi happens, which raise the name of the Tooi-Wala. While festivities begin with hundreds of people who were invited gather together in the Khan’s house. However, in the wedding fewer people get together but when Buzkashi starts many people come and watch the game. The people who are invited by Khan give money prize gifts to the Khan, which is called Shenak gifts. These gifts help the Khan to attend the Buzkashi Too in successful way. These prize gifts are distributed among the chapandazan during the game. The Buzkashi game continues for two to four days. In this game there is a person who acts as a referee