**Ben, this essay should, as least in part, focus on the Harlequin and Harrison Bergeron as protagonists fighting against their respective societies, as represented by the antagonists in the story. This is the most compelling parallel between these two stories**
**Ben, I left your original spelling and grammar mistakes intact**
The human species will never be a utopia, humans are never in agreement in the free world because every culture in some way shape or form disagree with each other if we live in the diverse and multi-cultural world that we do. We also cannot turn into a dystopia, at least not worldwide because again there are far too many variables and people who disagree, fractures would emerge before roots could form. TockTockMan and Harrison Bergeron are stories of a suppressive and mysterious regimes that force their societies by controlling through the belief that time is sacred, and killing cardplates and through “handicaps,” devise which limits each citizen to look and act “normal” for those who are above intelligence, beauty, fitness, etc. each description for the former and latter respectfully. While there are similarities in each of the short-stories. Such as even though they have control of the society as a whole, neither has the power to know where each and every citizen is, and more importantly, who each one is, they also differ by means of control, such as Tick-Tock Man made sure each citizen was constantly, never late, which consequences included docking a persons lifespan.
Tick-Tock Man and Harrison Bergeron both control their people through force. No one can be who they are, and if they try to be they get punished. Tick-Tock Man, who controls people through precision of time, will not spare time to think twice over blanking Marshall Delahanty’s cardioplate on page 8, somehow killing him