In the article Africans speak II the author makes points about how a child is raised. "Such education as the young receive concerns itself a great deal with moral and religious precepts;" (Africans speak II). This shows the connection how a kids actions depend on schooling and a life at home. This also shows that a kid is taught to follow directions but their culture expresses who they are. Mixing two worlds in one causes actions to be different. “For the educated African finds himself unhappy and insecure between two worlds; all the knowledge of the white man’s culture that he owes to Christian teachers does not protect him from the same injustices and insults that oppress his illiterate brother.”(Africans speak II) This shows that even though culture and education mix the actions some people can't decide what policies to use. Therefore judgments and bad actions are used in confusion or choice. …show more content…
“Oh, my dears, those are much too hard for me. Suppose we give you pretty English names.” (By Any Other Name). This shows that when the headmistress couldn’t pronounce the little girls’ Indian names she automatically tried to change them to something she could pronounce. This also shows that even with the girls being uncomfortable with her changing their names, the headmistress changed them anyway because she’s of higher power in the school and she wasn’t comfortable with them using their real names in an English