The second commandment states that, Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness [of anything] that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God… The iconoclasts use the second commandment as a premise for their argument and was respected until images started to be made. The most focused and important debate in the Christian church over images of Christ culminated in the Seventh Ecumenical Council, at Nicea, in 787. It is here where the debate between Iconodules and Iconoclasts is at its heaviest and where the Christological and Ontological issues that each side has pertaining to images is discussed. This was an ongoing conflict that led to the destruction of images until a fourth council where it was considered heresy to destroy …show more content…
According to iconoclasts, Christ is circumscribed only up until His passion and no longer after his Resurrection. Theodore the Studite then refutes this by saying that after His resurrection, he is seen by his disciples as a spirit and is recognizable by his human attributes, and said to His apostles, “see my hands and my feet, it is myself? This would mean that even after Christ’s resurrection, His human attributes did not perish. The response of the Heretics includes stating that although Christ may display these human attributes to His apostles, but they are not like the attributes that we have and because of this He is not considered circumscribable. The issue with the iconoclasts stating this is by suggesting this, it denies the meaning of the incarnation and questions the two natures that are found within Christ. Their response doesn’t necessarily disprove Christ being circumscribable. It appears that the iconoclasts’ response to Theodore the Studite is weak and shifts the focus away from what Theodore the Studite has just suggested and onto a new topic. They respond not by focusing on Christ, but instead looking to His apostles and say that they beheld the lord with purified eyes, not eyes like ours. This demonstrates that Christ is circumscribable before His Passion, and after His