Constantine made the job of local tax collector hereditary, and tax officials were personally responsible to pay a certain amount to the Emperor 's treasury. As tax receipts declined, these officials lost their fortunes. 2. In general, the relationship between Christians and Rome was characterized by phases of toleration with sporadic outbursts of persecution. 3. Paul of Tarsus believed that
Christ 's teachings should be proclaimed to all. 4. The Zealots wanted to expel the Romans from Judea. 5. During the age of the five good emperors, the Roman army was a source of economic stability and Romanization. 6. The bureaucracy created by the Emperor Claudius was made up of professional administrators. 7. The early followers of Jesus, before the conversion of Paul of Tarsus, were mostly
Hellenized Jews. 8. The main source of Augustus 's power was his position as commander of the army. 9. The most powerful institution in the Roman Empire was the army 10. The Roman poet Virgil 's Aeneid was a mythological account of the founding of Rome. 11. In The City of God, St. Augustine stated that history is the account of God acting in time. 12. All of the following are elements of Muslim belief and practice except the statement that there is no personal afterlife. 13. Penitentials were manuals that guided the assignment of penance 14. The "Justinian plague" was probably the bubonic plague. 15. Christianity was a syncretic faith in that it absorbed many of the religious ideas of the eastern Mediterranean world. 16. The Law Code of Justinian is important because together with Justinian 's Digest and Institutes, it became the basis for civil law in almost every modern European nation. 17. St. Paul used the term ekklesia to refer to the local community of Christian