As same, the ventral side of the midbody has an opening called vulva and also anus forms additional opening on the ventral side of the body. Dual thinner openings on the adjacent flanks of the tail whip are existent for the phasmids ensilla at the intersection of the seam cells and the tail hypodermis. The alae a set of ridges present on the body cuticle laterally and provide the nematode to stretch in the course of flexible gestures ( The body wall of the hypodermis is assembled by syncytium (hyp 7), five smaller syncytial cells in the head that has sequences of concentric rings and three mononucleate and one syncytial cell in the tail. Specific interfacial cells are connected to the outer opening of the hypodermis and the inner tissues …show more content…
The widely held C. elegans neurons are situated on the head about the pharynx. A continuous row of neuron cell bodies presents at the midline, next to the ventral hypodermis in the body. Besides, two more minor posterior adjacent ganglia arranged on the edges, along with certain dispersed neurons on the lateral body ( By means of a thin basal lamina, neurons and the hypodermis are detached from the musculature. The striated organized muscles are structured into four quadrants, two dorsal and two ventral. Also, non-striated muscles have been found in the pharynx and throughout the vulva, intestine and rectum. The four striated muscle bands run through the entire body length and also linked to a neural system that permits the muscles to move the animal’s body only as bending dorsal or ventral, but not leftward or right ( reproductive system of C.elegans involves somatic gonad, the germline, and the egg-laying apparatus. Dually bilateral symmetric, U-shaped gonad arms are linked to a middle uterus via the spermatheca. Further proximally, germ cells pass in order through the mitotic, meiotic prophase and diakinesis