Present study designed to evaluate and formulate new herbal formulation using plant C.papaya leaves.
Papaya is a large perennial herb with a rapid growth rate. The plants are usually short-lived with various patterns of fruits for long periods. It can be defers from geographical area. Elizabeth in 1994 reported that C.papaya leaves are better antiseptic agents. (5). In ancient literature, Carica papaya was mentioned as basket of benefit because of its pharmacological activities.
Yet, community using the plant for various ailments like digestion, constipation, gums, fever, pain, infection as antiseptics , warts, sinusitis, eczema, cutaneous tubercles and hardness of the skin etc. still there are various studies reported the activities but very few mentioned the active pharmaceutical ingredients in leaves (API). Hence this study reports and hypothesized ingredients which may responsible for the antibacterial action of API from methanolic extract of …show more content…
Standard operating protocol (SOP) was used to process the sample and was stored at 4-50C. Basic identification tests were performed using biochemical routine analysis and isolates were confirmed. To ensure the correctness, MTCC cultures were also used to compare. Out of 25 samples, 9 were E. coli, 3 Klebsiella pneumoniae and 2 were Pseudomonas aeruginosa. One of each was used to confirm. Finally only MTCC cultures were used to prepare inoculum.
Inoculums Preparation
Primary isolation was initiated by nutrient agar plating and subsequently transferred to selective media like Pseudomonas Isolation Agar, MacConkey Agar and EMB agar for better isolation. Using sterile inoculation loop colonies of the test organism are transferred to 5ml of sterile nutrient broth and incubated at 37 0C overnight for 24hrs. Then this bacterial culture were suspended in saline solution (0.85%Nacl) and adjusted to a turbidity of 0.5 Mac Farland standards (108cfu/ml). This suspension was used for preliminary screening of anti bacterial