There are many things that have happened in my life that would influence my academic work and goals at CCU. In fact, too many to list. One that sticks out the most to me would be when my oldest son, Richard, was just a few weeks old. My husband and I were first time parents and we had no idea how to take care of a baby, let alone the two we were given at once! Right around Christmas 2007, Richard got sick. My husband and I assumed it was just a cold. My mom felt his head and told us he had a fever and that we needed to get him to the doctors right away. We took him to the emergency room closest to our home and they told us nothing was wrong with him and sent us home. Later that evening it looked like Richard was …show more content…
The hospital staff ran several tests and finally figured out he had two holes in his heart. The holes were causing him to breath rapidly and that affected many different parts of his body. Again, my husband and I were just in shock and terrified. They immediately brought in a cardiologist and a pulmonologist to access the situation. Both doctors agreed that he needed surgery soon to fix the holes in his heart. They scheduled surgery for a few weeks to give his body time to grow and mature a little more. He was only 3 months old at this point and was a small baby to begin with since he was born early due to being a …show more content…
What she found shocked everyone. The holes were gone! No surgery was needed. He was discharged from the hospital and needed to have one follow up appointment with the cardiologist. After that follow- up appointment he was medically cleared from all the specialists. He is now 10 years old and his happy and healthy!
After being discharged from the hospital my husband and I both realized that it was God who performed that miracle we had been praying for on our son. We started to going to church and we both accepted Jesus as our Savior together shortly after. It has been the best decision I have ever made. I feel like God used my son to show me the error of my ways. I am so thankful my son is okay and so thankful that God is good.
That experience changed my life. I now know when I feel the push from God to not ignore it. I need to be obedient to God and do whatever he pushes me to do. I felt God pushing me to go to school and earn a degree. For years I ignored it because with seven kids and a full-time job it seemed impossible to find time to do it. I couldn’t ignore God any