COMMANDERS INTENT: The purpose of this blockade is to provide a first line of defense against Japanese enemy forces moving NORTHEAST and SOUTHEAST toward the POW camp to stop the 6th Ranger Elements mission of rescuing POWs. Key Tasks are: 1) Deter Japanese enemy forces from penetrating the bridge blockade; 2) Defend 6th Ranger Element and allied forces in rescuing POWs; 3) Defeat enemy forces within direct firing range of Cabu River Bridge and creek (north through south entry points). 4) Cut phone lines linking to the camp prior to attack. At end state: Pajota’s Guerilla forces protect 6th Ranger Element, and allied forces during POW rescue mission, deter Japanese enemy forces from penetrating Cabu River Bridge, navigate allied force and POWs through terrain, ensure …show more content…
They will deter Japanese enemy forces from penetrating the road block and accessing the POW camp. Guerilla forces will provide security of advance for elements of 6th Ranger Element forces to ensure safety of passage for them, allied forces and POWs.
The Radio Team in Guimba: NLT 30 Jan, the Radio team will provide key intelligence on Japanese enemy forces movements for the 6th Ranger Element within the AOR including Cabu Creek Bridge to ensure the element of surprise is secured. The Filipino Guerillas: NLT 30 Jan, the guerillas provide critical intelligence of Japanese enemy movements for 6th Ranger Battalion Commander in order to complete the final COA and posture offensive positioning for allied forces prior to plan