Question 1 (Weighting: 0)
Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults
The word count is there for guidance purposes only.
Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with:
Young people
Effective communication is important when working with children as it helps build a strong, trusting, positive relationship. Children look to adults as role models, they are social learners. If we ourselves conduct the way we speak in a clear, positive manner i.e. using facial expression, body language and gestures, adapting accordingly to age with eye to eye contact at their level. The child is able to respect, engage and respond. Shouting over a child whilst standing over them only intimidates and the child will not want to approach you again.
Effective communication is important when working with young people is very much the same as with younger children. You need to ensure you are using age appropriate language which can be understood to develop and build a better relationship. Younger children who lack in confidence may struggle to communicate so by coming across in a positive and gentle manner they are more likely to open up and talk.
Effective communication is important when working with adults is vital to prevent error and confusion .In situations where communication breaks down, misunderstandings can lead to bad feeling. We need to understand that lack of communication can lead to wrong decision making which can then have a knock on effect..
Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults because this encourages cooperation between pupils, parents and colleagues. It helps provide a challenging and stimulating learning environment which is accessible to all pupils. Everyone is respected as an individual. And finally, this will ensure a considerate and caring attitude is