Cadet Uniform Services started its business in the year 1974 in Toronto, Canada. Now, it has 275 employees and most of their workers are Customer Service Representatives (CSR). This company started their business with multiple services being provided to the customers. Services include picking up, cleaning, and delivering customer uniforms, as well as providing unique inventory control and also providing management services. They continued to provide excellent services to their customer for more than a decade, until they got recognition in the year 1993.After studying the case thoroughly, we find out the various flaws of this famous laundry service organization through HR issues and also try to provide solutions through recommendations and execute those solutions to improve the services of Cadet Ltd.
In HR issues, the report discusses about the different HR problems which can be minimized or removed from the organization. The HR issues are:
1. Weakness in Human Resource Department 2. An extensive training and development programs are provided to CSRs of Cadet Uniform Ltd. 3. The HR Department is facing problems to retain motivate of CSRs due to technological restriction. 4. Cadet Ltd. is planning to start a new venture in USA, to do so, country analysis and training of newly appointed US CSRs are mandatory by strategic HR management. 5. Empowerment of CSRs in Cadet Ltd.
To resolve these HR issues, HR recommendation are planned and those plans are executed in Implementation. Also, the report consists of a background, theme, main issue, SWOT analysis.
Table of Contents
Contents Page No.
1. Background 04-14 2. Theme 15 3. Main issue 15 4. SWOT Analysis 16-32 5. Human Resource Issues 33-36 6. Recommendation 37-44 7. Implementation 45-54 8. Appendix 55