Unless otherwise stated, all questions pertain specifically to the case study time period and do not require students to present current material. However, current knowledge is helpful in understanding the aftermath of a case and may be used in the class discussions after a case has been presented.
Week One
Video: Ben and Jerry’s Ice-cream Wars
1. What was Ben and Jerry’s ‘strategy’ in the video? 2. What stimulated the strategy? 3. Was it planned or emergent? 4. Was it successful? 5. How does this case help you think about ‘What is strategy?’
Week Two
Set text: ‘Industry dynamics in the hi-fi sector’ pp. 625-628
1. Perform a SWOT analysis and use this to help think through the industry dynamics in the hi-fi sector.
i. What are the opportunities and threats facing these specialist hi-fi firms? ii. Do these firms have the right strengths to take advantage of the opportunities?
2. Use Porter’s ‘Five Forces’ framework to analyse the strategic environment of specialist hi-fi companies and outline feasible strategic positions.
3. Discuss the nature of Apple’s business activities with regard to music. What business model(s) are they using and where are the opportunities for them to make money from their music activities?
4. All the formats discussed in this case are governed by internationally agreed standards e.g. VHS, MP3, DVD, CD, etc. Discuss the implications of such standards for the competitive behaviour of small independent firms like Linn, Meridian or Naim.
Week Three
Set text: ‘The Formula One Constructors’ pp. 652-661
1. What do you need in order to succeed in Formula One?
2. Why do you think your team were successful during this period?
3. Why were they unable to sustain this success? What could they have done to sustain their success further?
4. Apply the value chain analysis to your Formula One team and identify areas in which the financial success of the team can be