Caffeine is made by plants as a way of getting rid of insects. Cocoa is produced in South America, coffee in Africa and tea is produced in
Asia have all been used for a very long time to give us a little rush in order to keep us going. Now caffeine is also used as a flavour enhancer in cola and other soft drinks also it has medicinal uses in aspirin preparations and is found in weight-loss drugs and as a stimulant in normal people in everyday to keep them alert in lessons.
A favourable drink is Red Bull.
Caffeine is a drug that stimulates the body and causes increased amounts of stimulatory neurotransmitters to be released. At high levels of caffeine consumption it can and has been …show more content…
Use as much water as you can and do not use a cover slip.
5. Together these precautions will help maintain sufficient oxygen supply to the flea. A cavity slide filled with iced water and placed under the slide will act as a heat sink.
6. View the water flea under low power. Focus on its heart which can be seen
through it translucent body.
7. Use a stop watch to record the number of heart beats per minute.
8. Tap a pencil on a piece of paper and count up the pencil marks at the end of the time period.
9. Record the heart rate at intervals of two minutes over a 10 minute period. It is a good idea to do a ‘blind’ study to avoid bias in the results. 10. In order to make the best assumptions of the results the reader of the amount of heart beats there are and the concentration of the solution should be uninformed.
11.Repeat the procedure using other water fleas from the culture solution and fresh, clean slides and cover slips. Replace the water with caffeine solution. Repeat the procedure using several different concentrations of caffeine.
Caffeine concentration: