Calcium is a mineral that is very important to the body. It is found in many different foods. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are well known sources of calcium. It is said that milk does a body good and that is because of the calcium in milk. Calcium is available as a dietary supplement. Carbohydrates and citrates are the two main forms of calcium in dietary supplements. Calcium has a lot to do with maintaining bone mass. An article titled Calcium: focus on foods and beverages rather than supplements: research suggests that calcium supplements may increase heart attack risk, so get your calcium primarily from foods, stated that calcium plays a major role in the proper functioning of your muscles, blood vessels and nervous system (WHA). The article also stated that calcium is best known for its critical role in forming and maintaining strong bones, and many postmenopausal women take calcium supplements to help prevent osteoporosis (WHA).
As I stated previously calcium is a very mineral for the body. An article titled Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Calcium stated that calcium is required for muscle contraction, blood vessel expansion and contraction, secretion of hormones and enzymes, and transmitting impulses throughout the nervous system. The body strives to maintain constant concentrations of calcium in blood, muscle, and intercellular fluids (Dietary supplements). The article also stated that when calcium intake is low or ingested calcium is poorly absorbed, bone breakdown occurs as the body uses its stored calcium to maintain normal biological functions. Bone loss also occurs as part of the normal aging process, particularly in postmenopausal women due to decreased amounts of estrogen. Many factors increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, including being female, thin, inactive, or of advanced age; smoking cigarettes; drinking excessive amounts of alcohol; and having a family history of osteoporosis (Dietary Supplements). This same