In nature versus nurture, one’s development can be influenced through genetics or the environment. Nature is the genetic inheritance or genetic makeup which someone inherits from their parents. As a result of this, Caliban is not fully human due to his mother, Sycorax, being a witch. As described by Prospero to Ariel, Caliban is a “freckled whelp, hag-born - not honoured with / A human shape” (I.ii. 285-286). With this dialogue, it is known to the audience that Caliban does not take form of a human being. In behalf of Caliban’s savage, grotesque looks, the others look down upon him and view him as a monster, for they have not seen a creature with such appearances. For instance, Trinculo was uncertain if Caliban was “a man or a fish” (II.ii 24), …show more content…
Even though Caliban attempted to rape Miranda, it could be known that Caliban is not educated for he was isolated and had no exposure to civilization, therefore having no understanding on the concept of rape. Additionally, Caliban’s plot to kill Prospero was due to the fact that Caliban felt wronged in the situation. Although it was wrong to plan murder against someone, Caliban’s evil thought did not come because he is evil naturally. He planned this action because of the bad experiences he