Hans Baldung’s Witches’ Sabbath offers a vivid and startling view of a gathering of witches. Depicted as wild, evil women, the woodcut aligns strongly with the views expressed in Malleus Maleficarum, which identifies the many dark characteristics and satanic practices of the vastly female population of witches. Responsible for everything from crop failure to impotence, they are a force to be feared and persecuted. They are a group of women who reject male governance, oftentimes being older unmarried women (therefore having failed in the pursuit of marriage and children), and thus must be demons.…
In the essay, "Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History," by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich a well known Professor at Harvard University. Ulrich explains the history of suppressed women in the late 16th century and the meaning behind her quote that made her famous.…
For hundreds of years, the word “witch” has been associated with innumerable negative images. Witches were considered devil worshipers who committed scores of evil deeds toward society. By the 14th Century, a law was passed outlawing any practice of witchcraft or sorcery; anyone in Europe accused of witchcraft was subject to the torture and execution. In the 1450’s there was a breakout of violent persecutions against people accused of being witches. “During this time more than 100,000 people (mostly woman) were killed for allegedly practicing witchcraft” (Kallen 33) . Witches were viewed by the public as dangerous and uncontrollable menaces to society. They were believed to have relationships with the devil, this relationship was developed because of the church demonizing the witches in the 1450’s. During this time, people lacked medical knowledge about sickness and disease. When the witches were healthy during many of these wide spread diseases, the people believed they were the ones that cursed everyone with it. The people believed that witches could curse people that they did not like. In the city, It was common for old beggars to be on the side of the street asking for change but when people refused to give the beggars coins, they would angrily curse at the passersby. If the people that the…
The most common persecution of a witch was if their were a female. As stated in document 8: "As for the question, why a greater number of witches if found in the fragile feminine sex than among men.. the first is, that they are more credulous… the second reason is that women are naturally more impressionable, and more ' ready to receive the influence of a disembodied spirt; and that when they use this quality well they are very good, but when they use it they are very evil..but the natural reason is that she is more carnal than a man." Women were thought to be weaker then men, so it made them easily susceptible to the devil, or demons as shown in document 11. "Mary Magdalene is said to have been freed from seven demons by which she was possessed, and christ bears witness hat usually after a demon has once been cast out, if you make room for him again, he will return to his empty possession." Women who were accused of witchcraft were often said to be "… the devil's whores who steal milk, raise storms, ride on goats or broomsticks, lame or maim people,…
Witches are known to be very dangerous, evil, and made deals with the devil. They were even killed, tortured and jailed, but nowadays we treat them completely differently. We invite them into our house, give them candy, and strike conversations with them, that is at least on halloween. In the late 1600s many older men and women were being caught as being “witches” in Salem, Massachusetts.These witch trials were being caused by young girls who were pretending just to get ergotism, attention, and eventually after one lie they got out control really quickly.…
This can be seen in the writing itself, as the witches are said to be woman who attempted to seduce the unaware men. Furthermore, this source greatly affected change, as it bolstered support for…
I. A. The Salem Witch Trials were a time of panic for poorly, ugly women and their families (A Brief…
In January 1692, the colony of Salem, Massachusetts would encounter a situation that would change the small colony forever. That year the quiet town would endure a 9-month long span of trials of witchcraft that would leave 200 accused witches and 20 dead. The trials were based on religious beliefs and would separate all the “unholy” citizens from the community. The trials separated the community based on fear and individuals singling out others based on class. The witch-hunts have affected modern society by deeming women as weak and inferior to men and as easily controlled. The whole thing could have even simply started as a group of young girls who just wanted to gain attention and then taken over by corrupt leaders who wanted to exercise…
But it is clear that the witch hunt made most of their targets women. Even though some men practiced witchcraft too, women still remained the image of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials because of their image of being evil. Women got blamed more than men because they provided nourishment from their body where men could not. Women also became targets because of their lower social standing and age. The Puritans made assumptions by looking at age and social class as good reasons for making deals with Satan. Their belief was women in this type of state had nothing more to live for. The people involved with the persecution in the trials were all males and this did not make the situation any better in regards to persecuting and accusing women. The Salem Witch Trials were a prime example of sexist attitudes towards…
The Salem Witch Trials article from History.com states, “On March 1, Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba, an Indian slave from Barbados, became the first Salem residents to be charged with the capital crime of witchcraft.” (Salem Witch Trials Documentary). All of these listed victims were women, and one of them was a slave. At the time, women did not have as much of a say as men, because they were seen as morally weaker. This idea originated from the Bible’s telling of Adam and Eve, when Eve gave into the Devil’s temptations (Salem Witch Trials Documentary). In the Puritan settlement, women and girls were forced to stay in the house all day and clean, while the men worked outside. A documentary from History.com states that, “once settlements started to grow… girls and women started to behave in new and different ways, that many men--and women--found threatening” (Salem Witch Trials Documentary). The people who had control over the trials were the religious leaders/politicians; they were all…
The 16th and 17th centuries experienced a great shift of ideals with the Reformation that contributed to the rise of witch-hunts. Although the Reformation is notorious for the disagreement between the Protestants and the Catholics, what both groups agreed on was that witches were to be punished for their evil deeds. The two major religious figures during this time were John Calvin and Martin Luther. These two men believed in non-clerical celibacy, and less stress on chastity before marriage. Now, “obedience had replaced chastity as a women’s prime virtue”. This lead the image of the Virgin mary to become less important, and because there are no other positive, important female figures in the bible, Eve took Mary’s place. This had two major…
Topic 1 reviews some of the major differences between undergraduate and graduate studies. How do you think your graduate educational experience will differ from your undergraduate experience? How would you describe a graduate learning community? What are the key components of a learning community and how might a graduate learning community differ from an undergraduate learning community?…
There are a multitude of differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate. Generally, the House of Representatives defines rules through committees, and the Senate’s rules are extremely archaic. The senate is unique legislative body due to the rules that define how debate takes place on the floor. In fact, modern day senators can hold up debate simply by saying they wish to filibuster; they are no longer must stand and talk for hours on end. The House, on the other hand, has a specified Rules Committee and forbids extended debate on legislation on the floor.…
Women who didn’t act like “proper women” were outcast as witches. For instance, if a woman were not obeying her husband’s every command then she wasn’t playing the expected gender role, therefore she was a witch. Outcasts were different, otherwise they wouldn’t be outcasts. People who were exiled were weird in that they lived life their own way, making people judge and want to get rid of them. If a person who was considered an outcast were using herbs as medicine or staying out late and spending time alone, then they were persecuted as witches. A woman accused of being a witch said that she was pinpointed as being a witch because society saw her as different. She wrote, “some call me witch, and being ignorant of my self, they go about to teach me how to be one” (Doc 5) People were also persecuted for “suspiciously” being selfless. A report of Churchwardens in Gloucestershire, England claimed that a woman, Alice Prabury, “ useth herself suspiciously in the likelihood of a witch, taking upon her not only to help Christian people of diseases strangely happened but also horses and all other beasts.” (Doc 4) Women and men who were less fortunate were those most wrongly persecuted. From a regional and comparative witchcraft study done in 1970, it showed that from 1546-1680, woman who were the wives of laborers were more accused than wives of the wealthier men. (Doc 10) This was suspicious in that society and culture were doing the wrong thing, not those who were persecuted. Women were…
Jackson, Aurora P. “The Effects of Nonresident Father Involvement on Single Black mothers and Their Young Children.” Social Work. 44.2 (1999): 156-66. Proquest. Web. 1 Apr 2011…