California Highway Patrol
ENGL 1301 Research Paper The California Highway Patrol Post 9/11, I was given the opportunity to work in partnership with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) department. I always had the utmost respect for personnel in uniform and being able to work side by side with police officers has made me respect them even more. To me, the CHP is one of the most elite forces that existsthroughout California and our nation. Their history and ability to provide so much security and protection for the citizens of Californiamakes them some of the best men and women in uniform. The CHP has multiple programs and Task Forces designed to provide the highest level of safety, service, and security to the people of California. The accomplishments that women have achieved, in more than 30 years, in the department is simply amazing. The CHP department has also had the misfortune of encountering road bumps within the members of the force. There have been many cases where officers have decided to break the same laws that they swore to enforce. Before relocating to Texas, I wanted to become a member of the CHP. However, that is currently not possible, so I can just research their rich history and background and to be a part of them that way. The mission and organizational goals of the California Highway Patrol are to provide the highest level possible of safety, service, and security to the people of California. Safety, service, and security is the CHP motto. “This is accomplished through five departmental goals. Maximize Service to the Public and Assistance to Allied Agencies To maximize service to the public in need of aid or information, and to assist other public agencies when appropriate. Manage Traffic and Emergency Incidents - To promote the safe and efficient movement of people and goods throughout California, and to minimize exposure of the public to unsafe conditions resulting from emergency incidents and highway impediments. There is so
Cited: CHP. (2008). California Highway Patrol Home Page. Retrieved 03 20, 2008, from CA.GOV: Ibid Crawford, J. (2004, September 06). San Diego Blog. Retrieved 05 02, 2008, from Real San Diego Daily: Ibid Executives, N. A. (2008, jan 01). NAWLEE spotlight. Retrieved 05 02, 2008, from NAWLEE: