Real California Cheese
The “Happy Cows” campaign has been so successful because it gives people the reassurance of where there cheese is coming from. By labeling products that use California Cheese, it gives the people of the images in their commercials of happy cows on rolling plains enjoying their life. Today many animals are caged, mistreated, and hormone injected, so the commercials used in the campaign help give people the image that these California cows are healthy, pampered, and not being caged or mistreated making the milk from them “healthier” in a sense. This campaign took the negativity off of how most animals are treated that are used in food production and gave it a positive outlook while playing on the beautiful California sun and hills. The Real California Cheese certification mark is very important in the positioning of the product. By having this certification mark that qualifying products can use to verify that their cheese comes from California cows, helps positively influence consumers to go after their product because they are going to recall the positivity and satisfaction the campaign brings to having that California milk and cheese from those special cows. I think it made a difference because it allowed consumers to see that products actually do use Real California Cheese, where as before the certification consumers wouldn’t have know their was a difference between products. The campaign took a emotional approach in its advertising as it wanted consumer affinity for Real California Cheese to be more emotionally based. The CMAB faced a challenge in that they needed to represent a wide range of products from many different producers. I would describe the personality created for the Real California Cheese as bright, full of life, content, happy, enjoyable, satisfying, and of great quality. Pros of the advertising approach used is that it gave people a guarantee that if they saw the certification stamp