Fax : 0755-2735980 Selection Centre Central
Tele : 0755-2702223 Sultania Infantry Lines
IVRS : 0755-2731245/2731255 Bhopal (MP)-462001
Web : www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
SCC/7305/72/CU 16 Jan 2013
Candidate Concerned
Pl see your Name and Roll No on the website
Dear candidate,
1. We are pleased to inform that you are nominated to attend SSB interview for joining the National Defence Academy. Please quote this reference along with your Roll No in all future correspondence.
2. You are required to report at Parking Zone outside platform No 5, ‘BHOPAL RAILWAY JUNCTION’ on the date and time as given below. Our representative will receive you and arrange your conveyance to the Selection Centre:-
|S/No |Date of Reporting |Time |Choice |Batches |
|(a) |04 Mar 2013 |1400 hours |Primary Choice |Regular batch |
|(b) |22 Apr 2013 |1400 hours |Secondary Choice |Absentees |
3. For ease of management and better administration of test, it is advised and expected that you avail of the opportunity with the ‘Regular batch’ utilizing the primary choice. Under exceptional circumstances only, you may decide to report on the date of secondary choice for absentees batch, in which case you will be required to bring a certificate obtained from the concerned authority as indicated below, enumerating the circumstances under which you could not report for the primary choice :-
a) For educational/ health constraints
|Ser No |Circumstances/ constraints |Certificate to be signed by |
|(i) |Educational |Principal/ Head of the institute |