Eric A. Jordan Sr. and Brian Nixon
10 September 2012
Scott Beckstrand
Programming Solution Proposal
I want to take this time to thank the individuals who decided to participate in Level-Up Calorie program. I would also like to applaud all the volunteers, and board members who have worked diligently to assemble a program that fits the needs of all age groups. As some of you may have noticed that we have been trying to create a program for the website to help accommodate those individuals, which may not be able to attend the group meetings because of work schedules or other events. While watching the live feed, we noticed that the program is not running correctly. The boarded has assembled a team together that will work diligently to help correct this technical problem and get the program running correctly with no malfunctions. The team’s role will be to enter the program, which has been installed within the computer system and correct the error occurring when the program reaches this certain prompt. This correction will be completed by the team creating a program which will prompt the calories to calculate correctly throughout your progression and then total at the end. The program will also be able to take the calorie intake from each weekly input and average out the calories throughout the process. For those of you who may not be computer knowledgeable, I will give you a description of the process the team will use to complete their task. The first step the team will do is analyze the problem by identifying a desired result, determining information is needed to produce these results, and determine what processes must be carried out to proceed from the known data to the desired output. Next step the team will work on is designing the program, which entails creating a detailed description, using relatively ordinary language or special diagrams of the program to be created. Simply