We get a very clear picture of Calpurnia in Chapter One. “She was all angles and bones.” This suggests the maybe she doesn’t have much money to buy food or that she is older. It also shows that she is older because “She had been with us ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence for as long as I could remember.” She doesn’t take any nonsense from the fact that “Our battles were epic and one-sided.”…
Calpurnia has to balance her own independence and curious personality. Calpurnia facing becoming a “woman”. She becomes comfortable in her own skin and in being a girl. Calpurnia basically forces a relationship with her grandfather. On the good side Calpurnia grows a nice relationship with her grandfather. At the end everything ends well.…
Lottery style poker. Poker requires plan. Lottery. No plan. Just scratch. No strategy only rhythm: Scratch card, have hope, lose, lose hope, curse odds, repeat, survive.…
Much like poetry, “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” Music and poetry are two platforms in which artists from the beginning of time have chosen to circulate their ideas, feelings, and opinions. Although different in popularity, these mediums are alike in various ways. Nonetheless, not every song you hear on the radio can be properly analyzed using procedures that you would follow to evaluate poetry. A song has to contain certain literary elements essential to poetry, such as the song “From Eden” by Hozier, in order for it to be analyzed. Hozier is recognized for his sentimental lyrics and use of poetic elements to add musicality and rhythm to his music. Through symbolism, repetition, and…
In Maxine Tynes’ poem “Africville,” the theme addressed is despite how the community of Africville was completely destroyed, their pride still prospers and remains in the minds and hearts of all its citizens. Tynes uses repetition, tone of voice, symbolism and imagery to dynamically convey the theme. Throughout the poem, Tynes exhibits a universal tone used to evoke pain and anger, as well as a more contrasting tone that demonstrates pride. This contrast of the specific tone used is demonstrated by Tynes in the first stanza of the poem: “We are the dispossessed Black of the land/creeping with shadows/with life/with pride” (2-5). “We are the dispossessed Black of the land/ creeping with shadows” generates a feeling of loss which invokes the event in which the citizens of Africville were dislodged from their beloved land. The following part of the phrase, “With life/with pride” contrasts the first half by emitting a sense of pride which effectively conveys a more positive aura. This connotation is used to display how the community of Africville still lives on after they were evicted from their Promised Land. In addition to the tone of voice, the speaker uses repetition and well-founded word choice continually in various fragments of the poem. The speaker tells the readers of the poem that “No house is Africville. /No road, no tree, no well.” (25-26). The word “no” is repeated throughout the passage to emphasize and convey the theme; that Africville is not simply a location, but a part of the community itself. Thirdly, the theme is intensified by the frequent use of symbolism and imagery. It is recognized that the speaker uses imagery to foreshadow how the Africville community is a strong and hopeful society. The last stanza highlights this in the last few lines: “We wear Our Africville face and skin and heart. /For all the world. / For Africville.” (33-35). Readers notice that the word “Our” is capitalized. This addresses how the…
Calpurnia is a respectable african- american who has true values and beliefs. She believes everyone should have respect for every individual in the world no matter who they are and where…
In “Conte” by Marilyn Hacker, Cinderella shows the reader a glimpse of her life after the childhood tale ends, a less happier ending than the original story implies. She feels trapped in a constant state of misery and boredom in the royal palace. Without life experience guiding her, Cinderella is in a dilemma caused by her ignorance of the potential consequences of her actions. With the use of irony, structure, and diction, “Conte” shows how innocence and naïveté result in regrettable mistakes that create life experience.…
A tattoo is like poetry, because there is always more to the story than what meets the eye! The sonnet “First Poem for You” by Kim Addonizio is a riveting piece of poetry that uses symbolization to help guide the readers to understand the emotions and feelings the woman has towards her partner. Visual and tactile imagery used within this poem helps readers interpret the meaning of the poem. The theme is longevity and the true meaning of a relationship. In Addonizio “First Poem for You,” Addonizio utilizes literary elements to develop the story and detail a fictional character that is in love with a man that has permanent tattoos. Upon analyzing the symbols, visual imagery and theme throughout this poem the readers will better comprehend the poem to its entirety; these elements symbolize permanence, which is the meaning of the entire poem.…
Characterization: Calpurnia was something else again. She was all angles and bones; she was nearsighted; she squinted; her hand was wide as a bed slat and twice as hard. She was always ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn’t behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling me home when I wasn’t ready to come.…
I appreciate the kind words and the feedback. Do whatever you like with the tracks, but me updated. I find time to work on music everyday, so I am always creating when I am free from writing papers and such. I do not mind the comparisons to the legends, anyhow, we need to figure out the arrangement to the "It Rains On Our Love" so you can be satisfied . What elements need to be taken out or what section need to be cut or added? I have zero problems changing anything. What sound you really looking for because I never asked you that to begin with. haha. You could actually send me like some piano chords and have me do the drums or whatever you prefer.. Just some ideas. haha. I will be sending you more RANDOM tracks later this week.…
“In Calpurnia’s teachings, there was no sentimentality: I seldom pleased her and she seldom…
Chapter 10-18“The greater a man’s talents, the greater his power to lead astray” Haley page122.-disscuss the ironyIn the brave new world people believe that everyone belongs to someone else. They are born with different caste and appointed jobs. They do not have to or cannot think and worry about anything, because the controllers need absolute submit to their orders. In their formats of human, human should not have talents and a brain to think. In this case, Bernard’s belief, habits, goals and curiosities have brought tension to the controllers. They think that Bernard’s “talents” will lead him or the community to a new theory of life, which is forbidden in the new world. This sentence is a verbal irony, director use the word “astray” to show that man’s talents is a noxious thing to have, which could lead people to corruption. But the truth is that the greater a man’s talents, the greater his power to lead to the understanding of life. (10.7)…
She is the most developed character in the short story and the way she is described portrays her as beautiful and vivid when she is in fact deceitful. It is noticeable in the beginning of the story that Calixta takes a lot of pride in her housework because she is working so…
The works we studied within Creative Writing were all helpful in creating my own works to submit to the class. Throughout all of the reading, many of the works inspired me in different ways, whether it was short story plot ideas or word usage in the poems. While crafting my work for the final portfolio, I reviewed many of the poems from our poetry packet in an effort to find inspiration and to create new interesting images. I took the most inspiration for my formal poem, which I found most difficult to write. One of the poems that was most useful to me was Jilly Dybka’s “Memphis, 1976.” Dybka’s poem follows the sestina form; I also wrote my last poem in this form, so it helped to follow the form by looking at her poem as an example. Dybka’s…
This was during a time of segregation in the south so blacks didn’t have many opportunities. They couldn’t go to school so they weren’t educated at all except for a few. They were the lowest on the totem pole just because they were black. Without education they couldn’t have very many jobs and then they couldn’t work for some white folk because they were black. If they were educated lie Calpurnia was then maybe they would be better off because they all lived honest lives but since Calpurnia was educated it helped her get a job.…