To fully comprehend the obstacles facing Caltron Computers is remains necessary to define revenue recognition from a general perspective. Revenue is recognizable when future economic benefit will be directed to the company’s benefit and the benefits measured accurately (Emir, 2012). Each transaction will be identified and explained thoughout this memo to demonstrated the revenue recognition method employed by our organization. …show more content…
Recorded transactions are documented on financial statements when revenues are realized or realizable (Schroeder, Clark, & Cathy, 2011). The firm’s internal accounting department made the coherent decision to recognize revenue based on this principle.
The first transaction consisted of a $400,000 of revenue on two product shipments to Elegant Housing, Inc. Contractual stipulations included a $20,000 payment to the firm upon shipment. Additional payments are contingent upon customer satisfaction or forfeiture if Elegant Housing, Inc., returns the systems. Revenue is recognized when indications of performance obligation and satisfaction exists within a particular product or service (Ohlson, Penman, Biondi, Bloomfield, Glover, Jamal, &Tsujiyama, 2011). Product satisfaction remained a influential variable for the firm to record this transaction as