Issues and Globalization
Cambodia: Issues and Globalization
In the globalization trend of the world, many countries join in regional or international organization as EU, APEC, ASEAN, and especially, WTO, the largest global organization. When they join those organization, they hope to reform their own economies and seek for chances to access foreign markets. However, WTO, or globalization, is not a game that every player can win. There are not only winners but also losers in this game. Let us take a look at the case of Cambodia, which has just joined WTO for nearly a decade.
Cambodia is a country in South East Asia, which has the border with Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. The total area of Cambodia is 181,400 sq. Km with the coastline 445km and the population is 14,607,992 as of 2010 (Key Data 1). During 20th century, Cambodia had gone through a fierce history: “Cambodia became a protectorate of France in 1863, and was made part of the French Indochina Union in the 1880s. Cambodia gained independence from France in 1953, and the country became the King- dom of Cambodia under King Sihanouk, who became prime minister in 1955 and head of state in 1960. Sihanouk had stable control of the country until the mid-1960s, but as the Vietnam War intensified after 1965, the political conditions in Cambodia became more complicated. By 1970, the Cambodian monarchy was abolished and the Southeast Asian country was proclaimed to be the Khmer Republic. Following a five-year struggle, Communist Khmer Rouge forces captured Phnom Penh in 1975 and ordered the evacuation of all cities and towns; over 1.7 million people died from execution, starvation, disease or enforced hardships. A 1978 Vietnamese invasion drove the Khmer Rouge into the countryside and touched off more than a decade of fighting.” (Key Data 1) Until the Paris Peace Agreement was signed in 1991, Cambodia could back to the mainstream of the international economy with an
Cited: “Beijing Relations Enhanced, But At What Cost?." Asia Monitor: South East Asia Monitor Volume 1 21.2 (2010): 6. Business Source Complete. Web. "Cambodia Environment." Environment in East Asia and Pacific. World Bank, n.d. W . "Economic Overview." Cambodia Country Review (2010): 46-48. Business Source Complete. Web. "Foreign Relations." Cambodia Country Review (2011): 55-58. Business Source Complete. Web. Hill, Hal, and Jayant Menon. "Reducing Vulnerability In Transition Economies Crises And Adjustment In Cambodia." ASEAN Economic Bulletin 28.2 (2011): 134-159. Business Source Complete. Web. "Key Data." Cambodia Country Review (2011): 1-5. Business Source Complete. Web. Menon, Jayant. "Cambodia." Regional Outlook (2011): 112-121. Business Source Complete. Web. Reynolds, Luke. "Pulping Cambodia." Multinational Monitor 26.3/4 (2005): 36-39. Business Source Complete. Web. Sutherland, Peter D. "Transforming Nations." Foreign Affairs 87.2 (2008): 125-136. Business Source Complete. Web..