1. Vision
CCE’s vision is to become a prestigious school to …show more content…
CCE will offer an ideal setting for students to access to quality teaching service although they do not live in urbun area, where there are a wide range of education services. Each student is treated as a valuable customer who expects the best learning environment. Teachers and staff will be treated with respect so that they will effectively and happily contribute the educational services.
CCE will offer students an exellent curriculum from grade 1 to 6, recognized by the MoEYS. CCE will focus its service on delivering to students basic knowledge of Khmer, Maths, Science, Social Studies Physical and Health Education, Local life skills, English, and Compter. The program will equip the children with a strong foundation to access their next schooling with confidence and morality. It will be an opportunity to increase children to finish 12 years education. To enhance the quality and relevance of learning, the service will be delivered by the retired teachers with good reputation of teaching at primary level and experienced educators with good knowledge of English & Computer.
4. Target …show more content…
Student-teacher ratio, consequently, is 44:1. All students can access free education service, but the service quality depends on teachers. Few teachers perform good service for their students while most of them offer theirs poorly. Due to low salary, the teachers end up doing outside, tutoring in order to supplement their living cost and show only lukewarm interest in the schools at which they