40 graphs and charts
Camelina: a Market Forecast and Strategy Report
40 graphs and charts
Published March 2010
From Biomass Advisors, a Biofuels Digest company
Camelina has been much in the news of late, as a biofuels feedstock of strong promise, because of its position as one of the few “sustainable, affordable, reliable, available” feedstocks suitable for aviation biofuels.
In November, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines made the first biofuels test flight with passengers on board, powering one engine with a mixture containing biofuel made from Camelina. Great Plains – The Camelina Company provided some of the Camelina used to make the fuel for this flight.
Earlier, camelina was one of the feedstocks powering the Japan Airlines biofuels test, while the U.S. military has performed ground engine tests on camelina-based jet fuel in preparation for FA-18 Hornet fighter jet flights planned for this spring.
Biofuels Digest has covered the camelina story in 71 different stories since 2007. But what’s the bottom line, for the grower, processor, end user, investor or policymaker?
Biomass Advisors — a Biofuels Digest company focused on in-depth research — will release its definitive report on camelina in March 2010, including 40 charts and graphs. It’s based on unparalleled access to and cooperation with key stakeholders, on trends in processing, yields, geographies, and the end user markets opening up for high-value animal feed, and liquid transportation fuels (including aviation biofuels).
In the report you’ll find the timeliness and perspective expected of the Digest — but with far more depth than a daily newsletter can provide.
To reserve a copy or for more information, use this link to email us with “reserve” or “more information” in the subject line.
Or to order your copy for $495, click on the button below: Table of Contents
1. Overview
1.1. What is Camelina?
1.2. Camelina’s development
1.3. Camelina