Linux Software
Options for free software in Linux are:
GNURadio [] is an excellent but unwieldy piece of software for use with RTLSDR. It's the only software for now that will receive analogue (FM, AM, sideband) and digital modes such as AP25, FSK and ADS-B. Be warned it's not very easy to drive but if you are canny you can use it to build your own software defined radio. Follow the build guide for your Linux system as the latest code is always the best to use.
GQRX [] apparently does too.
As SDR# [] is written in C# it works with Mono in Linux!
Have a look here [] for a good summary of Linux utilities.
Getting SDR# Running in Linux
This has only been tested on a x64 Debian system using the combined current stable/testing repositories but the process should be similar in Ubuntu and Fedora/Centos.
Install mono and monodevelop. This is the Linux version of Microsoft's .NET. sudo apt-get install mono-complete monodevelop
Install libportaudio2 to make sure sound works. sudo apt-get install libportaudio2
Compile and install the latest RTLSDR. I used the cmake version as detailed here []. Don't forget to run ldconfig as root at the end to sort the newly installed libraries out.
Download the latest SVN copy of SDR#. svn co sdrsharp
into the new sdrsharp directory and then load monodevelop and open the sdrsharp.sln project. If the .sln doesn't open use a text editor to open the .sln file and at the end of the first line change the 12.00 to 11.00. Older versions of monodevelop don't understand the VS2012 header.
Set the Active Configuration from Debug|x86 to Release|x86.
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