Cameraman's Tsunami: Film Analysis
As the cameraman begins to film his town, a tsunami slowly destroys everything in its path. All he can do is watch as raging black water rushes down the street. A car can be seen trying its best to get away from the strong current. A feeling of panic and devastation clouds over everything as businesses, vehicles, and homes are destroyed. As the water rises, the camera man moves up the cement path. The sirens begin to scream, as well as screeching voices, from all directions. The cameraman focuses in on a house as it is picked up by the water and moved down the street. At this time, I feel scared for the people who could potentially be in that home. The end of the video shows what appears to be a family standing on debris. As the water slows
down, they look hopeless and scared. Reflecting on what I just watched, I think to myself, How lucky am I? These people lost everything that they had – their homes, jobs, cars, and even family and friends – while I am safe and sound.