Valeo. The decision held that limits on campaign expenditures and personal contributions by the candidates were unconstitutional. While the Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) legal authority, and limits on individual and political action committee contributions remand. The next big change to finance laws came in 2002, when the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act was proposed in the Senate. The law primarily targeted loopholes of the FECA, such as “soft money”, which are unlimited donations made to a political party, thus avoiding various legal limitations. And while it also increased individuals contribution limit to federal candidates, it did not increase them for political action committees PACs) (Currinder
Valeo. The decision held that limits on campaign expenditures and personal contributions by the candidates were unconstitutional. While the Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) legal authority, and limits on individual and political action committee contributions remand. The next big change to finance laws came in 2002, when the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act was proposed in the Senate. The law primarily targeted loopholes of the FECA, such as “soft money”, which are unlimited donations made to a political party, thus avoiding various legal limitations. And while it also increased individuals contribution limit to federal candidates, it did not increase them for political action committees PACs) (Currinder