Never the less Hooverville helped the western American side because the description that author had smile aspects of the great depression period; also in that period when they didn’t have the financial income it takes to provide on their owe; It helped inspirited them. Move over even those there was a lot of neglected and significant obstacle in the way tents cities were still formed. imagine trying to live your day on a day by day basis. literally living in property ; where one do not have anywhere to live you are literally camping for their lives. Scott Bradford did an excellent job describing how people live in an orderly fashion trying to survive paycheck to paycheck in a dramatic state of depression. in the article camping for their lives; Scott Bradford demonstrates how people live in a property people who were cast aside as outcast were normally incarcerated then afterwards were kind of pushed to location where other one that were considering outcast as well. they called that location Homerville Homerville’s headed homeless that arrived during the depression. they consist of newspaper just anything to build or maintain warm and conformable. Since these individuals have an Unemployment. Since these people …show more content…
just imagine knowing that you are not able to play for your mortgage. One will be kicked out one’s household because of the fact that the banks doesn’t want people who can’t pay for your mortgage, so the bank will have no choice but t take the ownership of the household, and just like that the person will be homeless. Never the less something catastrophic occurs dose happen ,so people are forced to start committing crimes ,because being incarcerated is ten times better than being homeless. 41 percent of the homeless population in taco flat have been incarcerated at one point. that fact that alone showed me great dividends, but i wish Branford elaborated more on this because i felt that he could of provide how the Homeless work together on their food and methods of coming up with money. One would say why could the author In Conclusion Just because one doesn’t have the money financial income one can still make it no matter how had the outcome. Although life can throw curve balls at people. One can still push with perseverance no matter how hard it can get one must never give up. So you can see one must