Description: If you want to acquire Concealed carry license then nothing can be best way-out other than following few steps easily. Those steps are to be organized in a proper manner for acquiring this license.…
Okafor persuades the audience on why carrying a concealed gun on campus is a positive thing in this article. She starts with ethos by telling her own personal story of being assaulted as a child. This stimulates emotion and helps the audience learn about her credibility. Pathos is then used when she explains how a gun makes her feel “empowered”. This word has a positive connotation to it to evoke emotion in the audience. Additionally, logos is used when bringing up the facts about gun laws and assaults. She notes, “... one in five women are assaulted during college”. This statistic is easy to understand and gives shock appeal.…
Margin of error as per the text is “it estimates the largest distance you would reasonably expect to see between sample average and population average”1. Based on the data provided above, with ME = $5 we can be confident that in the population from which…
Based on the health plan survey with a sample of people who reported receiving a flu shot, the percentage of all people who received the flu vaccine is probably between 67% and 73%. However, as stated in this case scenario, only 61% of all eligible health plan enrollees actually received a flu shot. Therefore, a miscalculation has occurred in the survey because the actual percentage of people who received the flu vaccine did not fall between the ranges as predicted by the margin of error. Bennett, Briggs, and Triola (2009) stated, “The margin of error in a statistical study is used to describe the range of values or confidence interval, likely to contain the population parameter” (p. 1). From this definition, we can conclude that a value predicted by the margin of error is never absolute. Furthermore, it also indicates that the higher the percentage of the margin of error, the less credibility the survey supports.…
Over the past couple months, we have been hearing devastating news reports. School shootings, movie theater massacres, church shootings, there has been numerous reports of these tragic events. Many people believe that guns are the problem, but in reality it’s the people that need to think before they act. It’s true what they say, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” the more people with guns in the street, the safer it can be. There have been many states that have passed laws that let people openly carry guns, and Oregon is considering passing it as well. Oregon should allow law abiding citizens to carry guns openly. There have been many other states that has proven the open carry law works and is beneficial. Passing the open carry…
However, the benefit of having concealed weapons allowed on campus is proven by the fact that 26 colleges and universities, in Utah and in Colorado, a total70 campuses, currently allowing concealed carry on campus have not been a single report of shootouts, accidents or heated conflicts. In fact, rather than causing crime as feared, Colorado State University’s crime rate has declined steadily since allowing concealed carry weapons. Allowing concealed weapons does not increase risk. To the contrary, it presents an advantage; it reduces crime and violence. Statistics and fact repudiate the fallacy that concealed weapons on campus will increase…
The new Open Carry law in Texas has created a lot of heat recently. This law allows previses owners of the concealed handgun license (CHL) to now freely display their weapon at the side of their hip or shoulder as long as it is inside a holster. In order to actually be able to openly carry a handgun in Texas you must: be at least twenty-one years of age, have a clean criminal and psychological record, and also complete the classroom training; while passing a shooting test. So imagine walking down your neighborhood or public park and seeing someone with a loaded handgun at the side of their hip. This may be concerning for some citizens because they do not know if this is someone whom will go buck-wild and open fire at anyone in their crosshair or they could be the only person whose lead encouragement will protect your very life. This law has complete support from the peculiar views of the second amendment, yet still has a copious amount of combined restrictions for the: gun owners, businesses, non-gun owners, and even the police. Texas has allowed its citizens to carry a concealed handgun for over twenty years; you have probably encountered a countless number of civilians with a concealed weapon and never realized it. So while open carry may be fairly new to being revitalized in Texas, it…
This Article discusses weather or not the carrying of a concealed handgun should be allowed on campus, And the explanation to the safety of the students and how they feel about it. Studies have shown that students carrying guns are more likely to be white males, engaging in risky behaviors and binge drinking, be in trouble with the law, and attend college in southern and mountain states. This is your average student that is usually found with these concealed weapons…
Should anyone be allowed to carry a firearm on a school campus? There is a need to know more facts surrounding the concept of guns on campus. A person must determine their stance on this and why they believe that. This paper is not designed to persuade a person but let them become aware of things they may not have…
The New York Times author, Dave Phillips, creates an article titled Grappling with Guns on Campus. Throughout his writing, he states several interviews with people in relation to the school who actively has a problem with or without the concealed carry law in Texas. For example, he writes, “I (Professor Lisa Moore) love what I do. I consider teaching and learning to be a sacred vocation. We want to do everything we can to promote it. I don’t see guns as a part of that. So, no, I won’t be allowing guns in my office.” Professor Moore is strongly against allowing firearms on campus locations, because she believes weapons do not matter when it comes to the subject of schooling. Author Phillips writes again, “It’s not that I’m (Huyler Marsh) afraid of getting attacked all the time. It’s more like a fire extinguisher or a seat belt… If I call 911, it might be ten minutes before they get here.” Despite two opposing viewpoints, it is always better to be safe than sorry, because no one knows what another person will…
A number of people get killed in different campus. Some states are allowed to carry a gun on campus and others are not. Campus should be a safe place for students and they should feel safe when they are going to the campus. There are many crimes happen on campus because of problem with two students or two groups and the students use their gun and start to kill each other. Also, there are many terrorists mean to school and killed people because those campuses are free gun. So, is it good or bad thing to carry gun on campus? What happen when government allowed students to carry gun on campuses? Will carry gun on campus make the campuses safe or dangers place? Students should not carry weapons on campuses.…
In my opinion, carrying a handgun into a college or university is not necessary for a student. Because college and university is not that kind of dangerous zone where need to arm weapon. College and university are supposed to be a place where student to study. That should be the only reason that student should worry about. However, with the “New Campus Carry Law” passed, student now need to aware of avoid some circumstance which could bring them to face the death line. This new law I could say is not fair to everyone. At first, its can’t be 100% student will carry gun into campus when people need to be at least 21 years old who obtained a concealed handgun license (CHL) to have a gun. So, all the freshmen who attended college or university…
How safe are students on campus? Today, many universities state-wide are gun free and considered safe locations. According to David Skorton and Glenn Altschuler's article, "Do We Really Need More Guns On Campus?," "colleges and universities are far safer than most public spaces in the United States." However, there are others who believe colleges would be safer with concealed gun carry. A group, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, who goes against this idea argues in their article "College Campuses Are Less Safe Without Concealed Weapons" that a professor that is licensed shouldn’t be obligated to be a victim when they have the right to defend themselves. The argument doesn't mention how permitted gun carry would only possibly stop shootings…
Carrying guns creates more violence. According to Robert Birnbaum (2013) article, “Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight”,…
There has been an on going debate about whether or not college students and/or professors should be allowed to carry firearms on campus. The Law allows each state to determine if concealed weapons are allowed to be carried on campus.…