On the other side, students who go to college while still living in their parent’s home or in their own place doesn’t have the same experiences of the college life. Trust me, I personally experience both and everybody who did the same will tell you. We all know that college life is not easy. You’ll need to have organizational skills.
To obtain this come hard work, sacrifice, and determinations. So in order to succeed, a smart student must know that he has to make the right choices and decisions in his academic path.
The first step that most students take in their college life is the choice between living on campus or living off campus for some students .. Making the choice of living on campus is making the choice of success. A student who makes the campus his/her home has a higher rate of success than student who don’t. Living at the campus makes your student life a lot easier to handle. It’s like your own
House is moved into the campus. The academic environment is surrounding you, you can feel it. All the materials necessary to reach yours goals are present nearby. The library is never far way, you can always make a little tour to do some research or homework. Everybody knows, that if you spend a time at the library and learning center ,for example the learning lab at the ACC , you will get the passing grades for your classes. That’s why living on campus helps you to reach success. Students are more focus on their studies if they lived on campus because the distractions from outside are minimal. Students are not worrying about family and other life issues. For example: one of my friends who lived with his parents and five siblings. Found nearly impossible for him to concentrated on his studies because there was always something going on with his family. He ended up quitting college to take care of that. Life on campus presents a lot of advantages than living elsewhere. If you live in campus, you don’t have to worry about being late anymore. In addition to that, there is no more hassle with traffic or weather for those who take domicile on campus to go to school.
On the top of that, student who lives on campus save money on gas, shopping and more than student who lives outside of the campus. You will for sure meet a lot of wonderful people, from every horizon ,background and culture. That’s the great plus of living among the campus
While students are in high school, the great majority of them would be willing to live on campus. For most of them, they will be on their own for the first time. So it’s a very important experience to look forward to and be excited about. We all want to experience things, discover others. The life in college is the key that opens all the doors of opportunities for our future life.
And what better way to start those discoveries than living on campus? On the other hand, students who live off campus do not have the same odds for success because they cannot take full advantage of the multiple resources offered by the campus and college. They spend more time going back and forth from their homes than studying in the libraries. They cannot use the materials extensively that are present in the library because they do not have enough time compared to a student who lives on the campus. In fact, I can imagine a student having, two , three classes a day and still managing to go to the library. And still having to drive or take the bus to go home. That means, if he is driving, he must anticipate the traffic or he must take the bus on a specific time .All those inconveniences are surely going to make his schedule a bit tight . And it’s rational to think that such a student will certainly have more problem than a student who is on campus. Student who lives off campus would certainly have a limited exchange with others students present on campus. Exchange among students contributes to our success. We all need a partner for a project or an assignment. Student who lives off campus would have hard time to find a partner than student who lives on campus. In conclusion, we can say that living off campus isn’t the ideal way to go to college.
It’s not always guaranteed that you will make the class on time or sometimes even make to the class at all ! With all the traffic going in a college town, it’s a serious problem to deal with every day. In addition, with limited time available to you if you live off campus, you won’t get the chance to fully benefit from all the resources offered by the campus. After all the facts, it’s normal to consider to live on campus rather than living somewhere else. Life on campus will lead you to the path of success and opportunities. You will have the opportunity to meet awesome people and caring friends that will affect you for life. You will experience a great and wonderful way to interact with your studies .Your first time on campus, you will feel a friendly atmosphere that will surrounds you, an atmosphere that will make you rethink about all those assumptions that you had about the life on campus. Living on campus is without comparison the guarantee of your success.