Helplessness in Students?
Kim Lacey
ED 557
Dr. Sara Lawrence
May 4, 2011
Abstract As a result of my coursework through the Alternate Teacher Certification Program and my current position as an instructional aide at a rural middle school in Texas, I became concerned that strategies utilized with achieving the goals of the Individualized Education Plan for certain special education students were leading to instances of learned helplessness. I believe that this is not due so much to poor teaching techniques or unskilled paraprofessionals as it is a result of the misuse of educational strategies that could be utilized in a more efficient manner. It has been my pleasure to watch one gifted teacher flawlessly utilize several of Lemov's strategies to bring these special children "to life" in the classroom. In an age where students are bombarded with pressure to succeed on the standardized tests that may or may not ever make a difference in their lives, it is even more important to work with these special students to make sure that they have the ability and desire to learn - not just what is to regurgitated on a bubble test - but to achieve what skills they may someday have to have for their livelihood.
Can Inclusion Strategies Result in Learned
Helplessness in Students? I am currently employed as an "instructional aide" in a intermediate school in rural Texas. My position as explained to me was to (1) work with groups and/or individual students in daily instruction using behavior modification techniques to motivate students toward academic success (2) supervise students and maintain class procedures when teachers is not present and (3) perform various duties as specified in the Individual Education Plan involved in attending to the needs of students. I came from an educational background of pursuing an EC-6 Generalist teaching certification. Accepting an aide's position in this school district seemed an