JOUR 121
Student Name: Huang Cheng Kun, Katherine
Student Number: 107002
Date: 2013-5-28
Can India exceed China in economy after 20 years?
Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------- P3-P4
1. Chinese and Indian Existing Economies ---------------------------- P4- P6
2. How Big is the Gap between Chinese and Indian Economy? ---- P6-P8
3. How other domestic factors effect on Chinese and Indian economy in the next 20 years? ---------------------------------------------------------- P9-14
Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------ P15
Reference -------------------------------------------------------------------- P16
India and China, two of the Asian giants have locked horns against one another to become a world superpower. Historically, inevitable comparison of economies between these two giants has shown that China usually emerges on top. The economists attribute this to the Chinese fast-acting government implementing new policies making India’s political system appear sluggish. Since both countries are consistently analyzing their economic strengths and reinforcing their political and financial systems to sustain and establish themselves as a superpower in the global economy, the competition in economy between these two countries will be more and more interesting and expecting.
Some economists believe that, as the worlds largest economic power, China is expected to remain ahead of India, but the gap could begin to close by 2030. “In 2030
India could be the rising economic powerhouse that China is seen to be today. Chinas current economic growth rate - 8 to 10 per cent - will probably be a distant memory by 2030,” said the fifth installment of the Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, of
National Intelligence Council (NIC), released in November last