We can rarely hear teens talking about long distance relationships, but does it really survive? how? Other people think it wont because of the fact that the couple is away from each other and that the other one might not be contented and will find someone to fill his/her longings. But some think it will work if they do really love each other and they will wait until the time comes for to meet or meet again. I am also one of them who believe that it survives.
I'm in one right now, it's quite hard because love, trust, and everything need to be given by both sides equally.
I'm in one because simply my boyfriend lives a little far and we're not able to see eachother much. it's going great too.
the important thing is that you set rules for it. for example you both need to agree that you won't date others, communicate daily, and when will you see eachother. you can't make him/her wait a life time.
Communicate in every single way. not just on the phone or msn. maybe on skyp or cam to cam conversations are fun and will make you closer.
Expressing and letting out your feelings. just because they're far, it doesn't mean you shouldn't tell what your heart is hiding. we do that all the time. even if the other person can't do anything about it, but it's a good feeling to have some who listens & cares for you.
Distance...won't stop you from spending time together. like for example, there's a new movie in the cinema and you both can go and see it even if it's not the same cinema, but it's actually fun to know that he's doing the same thing as you do. then you can both discuss it and talk about it.
Anyway, we try our best to keep our relationship alive in any way possible.
I do believe in long distance relationships, and yes, the relationship does last if you two want it to.