Termites can remain active all year, even during the winter. These tiny subterranean pests burrow even deeper in cooler months to find the warmth they need to remain alive. They forage closer to nests during the cooler months, and although still alive, they are not as active as in warmer months. You may still find termites inside your house during this time, particularly in your walls and foundation where they have found food and a cozy shelter, making them less affected by cold temperatures.
Termites can remain active all year, even during the winter. These tiny subterranean pests burrow even deeper in cooler months to find the warmth they need to remain alive. They forage closer to nests during the cooler months, and although still alive, they are not as active as in warmer months. You may still find termites inside your house during this time, particularly in your walls and foundation where they have found food and a cozy shelter, making them less affected by cold temperatures.