Within this vast service area, Mojave Desert Land Trust is the only conservation organization of its kind operating in and for the Mojave Desert. No other organization, public or private, serves to acquire desert land for protection and restoration. Additionally, no other nonprofit Native Plant Nursery exists in the entire region. This is an incredible strength because having its own nursery increases effectiveness and efficiency of restoration efforts and significantly reduces the possibility of foreign plant species invasion, ultimately benefiting a number of threatened and endangered species that exist in the area, including the Desert Tortoise and iconic Joshua Tree. These factors exponentially increase the value of its service.…
In the article, "The Snake That's Eating Florida" by Lauren Tarshis, it proves that humans have played a big part in the problem of invasive species. The article shows that in the early 1990’s Burmese pythons were actually popular pets, the problem was that these snakes can grow to be almost 20 feet long. It explains, “ Many people end up setting their unwanted snakes loose in the wild.” This caused the snakes to grow in numbers at an alarming rate, and overpopulate the everglades. Another piece of evidence from the short article “Sheepdogs to the Rescue” says that when humans used red foxes for sport hunting they found the penguins to be easy targets.…
In order to help assess the impact of the challenging conservation work associated with red squirrels, grey squirrel management is being backed up by scientific monitoring and research. Other efforts are concentrating on the habitat of the red squirrel and attempts at designing and managing forests which would deter grey squirrels and encourage red squirrels. Buffer zones are being set-up around areas where red squirrels exist and there is continued monitoring and education. Another animal the pine martin has turned up and it has been observed that in the areas where this animal now roams there are fewer grey squirrels. This has led to the speculation that pine martens could act as a natural biological control and red squirrels will return and begin to flourish once again in these…
If the drop in sea turtle population is caused by human interference, then areas with lower human interference will have more successful sea turtle nesting.…
I have three kids and for better or worse we have become a family of reptile owners. I find the plight of any reptile an interesting matter. I found this U.S. Fish and Wildlife act about Gopher tortoises. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service felt the Gopher tortoise needed federal protection. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service control the regulation that would allow the Gopher tortoise to receive protection under the Endangered Species Act. If the Gopher tortoise is added to the endangered species list a lot of farmers and land developers would be limited on improving their property if the Gopher tortoise is a resident on their land. Florida Fish and Wildlife has already listed the Gopher tortoise as a threatened species on the Endangered Species list. The proposed regulation is not harmful, but if the guidelines for relocating the Gopher tortoise to a protected area is not a well thought out process, farmers can be subject to loss of their land to the Gopher tortoise.…
Along with being found in the same habitat the Bobwhite Quail and Texas Horned lizard are both found at the bottom of the food chain. These two animals are prey items for a very wide array of animals. Bobwhite nests are commonly predated upon and this is why the nesting cover aspect of the habitat management is so important. Habitat managers are now even able to determine what animals are predating Bobwhite nests by how the eggs are broken and/or arranged after being eaten (Hernandez et al 1997). A well known avian predator, the Roadrunner (Geococcyx) is known to eat just about anything including Texas Horned Lizards and Bobwhite Quail eggs making it an arch enemy of many ranchers (Sherbrooke 1990). One of the most brutal predators these animals face is the Shrike (Laniidae) commonly called the “Butcher Bird”. This is because it impales its prey onto barbwire, cactus,…
One way to control herd sizes in national parks is the reintroduction of predators, but this course is opposed by…
In Canada, the BC government granted permissions to lodging and hydro companies to operate in their habitat. IN early 2013 the BC government approved a controversial strategy aimed at protecting the Northern spotted would by relocating and some cases, even killing barred owls – a different large owl species that has been encroaching the spotted owl habitat-. It is estimated than less than a dozen birds are left in the wild in BC.…
Also, in Los Angeles, there are various water fowl within the Los Angeles River. Animals migrate from one place to another, so water fowls in Los Angeles have high chance to be affected by marine debris in North Hawaiian Islands. Those birds need to cultivate their children, but they don’t have hands to get rid of plastic in their food; accordingly, their next generations survive with plastic, so they get used to plastic debris. Moreover, the unbelievable high percentage shows that it’s been a long time that those birds are suffering from people’s inappropriate behavior. Ironically, plastic companions those birds in their whole lives, even when they pass away. Other than seabirds, sea turtles also get affected by marine debris because they eat plastic bags. The reason they eat plastic bags is the small piece of plastic looks like a jellyfish, which is their favorite food. After sea turtles realize that their food in abnormal, they forage food cautiously. They become skeptical of their food, so they prefer not to eat rather than eat something wrong. Sadly, some of them die because of hunger, and this may cause to become an endangered species over…
The Farallon Islands aviary wildlife is under attack and something needs to be done about it. The Farallon Islands are a chain of islands about 28 miles west off the coast of San Francisco. They are used by by hundreds of seabirds for feeding, nesting, and breeding. In fact these islands have a greater variety of bird species than almost any other place in the world. The problem is that mice have overrun the island eating the bird eggs and killing the young birds. Some areas are so densely populated with mice that the biologists on the island say that sometimes the ground seems to move (Frimrite, Peter 1). There are three suggested solutions to the problem so far. One solution would be to do nothing. Another would be to use a less potent poison such as Diphacinone but distribute it often and for a long period of time. The final option would be to use an extremely potent poison such as Brodifacoum and distribute it for a shorter period of time and less often. In this paper we will look at the second option of using a less potent poison and try and determine whether this would be the best approach.…
Road construction and operation often cause the topography, vegetation, runoff and micro-climate characteristics to significantly change, resulting in interference to wildlife, forcing original living habits and activity patterns to change. For example, traffic noise affects the communicating, living and breeding activity of birds. In 2011, an estimated 300 dead birds have been found on the side of the I-65 highway in Alabama; some large habitats which are low in reproductive rate and require specific biotopes are more sensitive to the highway construction and operation, such as Alabama red-bellied turtles, which are endangered species in Mobile Bay, Alabama. During the construction of highways, construction also can result chaos to the soil animals and amphibians. During during the operation, it easily causes the roadkill of the small animal who tries to cross the highway, like the dead raccoons always found on the Interstates in Alabama.…
LITERATURE REVIEW The Hawksbill Turtle has become an alarmingly endangered species in recent years. The turtle’s biggest threat is humans. The Hawksbill turtles have been physically harmed and so have their habitats. Many Hawksbill turtles are accidently caught in fishing nets or hooks.…
Most people don't know that the green sea turtle is going extinct. This paper will tell you what a Green sea turtle is and what is causing they're extinction. First, it will tell how and why they are endangered. Secondly, it will tell where they live. Thirdly, it will tell where they are born and what they eat. Finally, it will tell what they look like.…
The desert survival scenario taught me how to think rationally and demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. There is a certain time when we need to act as a group to achieve a goal, maybe to survive. The SDI and the desert survival scenario were intertwined especially during discussions. In a group. In SDI, we have four colors red, hub, blue and greed and each represent behaviors. Red characteristic behaviors tend to be competitive, forceful risk taker and self confident, Blues trust, helpful, modest, devoted, caring and supportive. Green characteristics are cautious, principled, fair and reserved. Hubs posses the three characteristics combined. All these four colors have an overdone side of each.…
An Ecosystem is a biodiversity community where biotic and abiotic elements inhabit the same environment. There are many types of ecosystems located throughout the world and one of which is known as the Gobi desert. The Gobi is a large desert region that scales from 500,000 square miles and spans across two countries (China and southern Mongolia) covering parts of northern and northwestern China. Like all deserts, the Gobi desert is a cold biome desert that consists of a vast array of animals and plants that have adapted to the harsh conditions.…