Positivity or optimism is something observed in the field of psychology that refers to two phenomena: That people tend to observe a neutral situation as mildly positive, or that people feel good at any given moment and this is easily observable to other individuals around a person. With 8th graders thats an important factor for school work and social life as the work 8th graders do in school is critical for their grades and it is very important to keep up grades for their future life.
In 8th grade it is often the case that when someone is bullied and thus unhappy or someone that is just being grumpy, that they need someone to talk to so they can ‘unload’ some of the negativity they are carrying. When someone has gotten compliments from an action the person feels good about it and this will be easily visible to other people and then the people that see this will almost always sense some positive ‘aura’ around the person that is positive or a person that has gotten a compliment. The people that have seen this will then begin feeling a positive warmth within them. So optimism is a sort of energy that can easily be passed on from person to person. Negativity will usually repel other people. But people feeling optimistic will often try to transmit their positivity to the negative people. This is an ‘opposites attract’ situation.
Also when you see your life as miserable you will be more tired due to the facts that this miserable thought creates a big lack of energy and you don’t see the good part of life, you enclose yourself in negativity and ignore the positive and thus will lose interest in everything and will become more tired over time. 8th graders who see their life as intolerable and miserable will get more tired than other students and it will also lower their grade because they don’t see the value of doing it.
Negative people have less friends and less happiness. Students don’t like negativity