Cited: 1. Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five. The Message. The Message. Sugar Hill Records, 1982. .
Cited: 1. Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five. The Message. The Message. Sugar Hill Records, 1982. .
Cited: Biggie and Tupac. Dir. Nick Broomfeild. Perf. The Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, Nick Broomfeild. FilmFour, 2002. DVD.…
James McBride’s essay “Hip Hop Planet”, initially published in the April 2007 edition of National Geographic magazine, was written to indicate hip hop’s true societal function as a “warning” and an outcry fabricated by minority cultures. Utilizing a clear and relatively uncomplicated dialect, McBride is able to connect with an audience of general readers who are merely marginally educated on the topic. He compiles credibility by citing an assortment of anecdotes of his past experiences with hip hop music and culture, and punctuates this with the mentioning of his education at Columbia University’s journalism school. To a point, McBride constructs a well-founded argument as to why hip hop is a “warning” by elaborating on both the narrow and…
In today’s world, conscious hip-hop has become the new blues. Although there are many musical alterations, conscious hip-hop currently serves the purpose that the blues once served for the African American community. This style of music speaks about the new hardships experienced by the community, and portrays it in a way that can be felt by anybody who has had the same, or similar, experiences.…
Mickey Hess looks at the use of multiple identities by rap musicians to obscure the conflicting contradictions between authenticity and marketability. Hip hop, having budded from a culture of oppression against African-Americans, grew as a medium of resistance. Hess cites Tricia Rose’s words, stating that hip hop, in the context of resistance, wages an “ideological warfare with institutions and groups that symbolically, ideologically, and materially oppress African Americans” (pp.298). Therefore, the experience of oppression and life in the projects is central to most rappers’ identities as hip hop artists.…
Out of the many established Indie labels, I decided to research a trailblazer label in one of my favorite genres of music: Hip Hop. It only made sense to research Def Jam Recordings. In respect to the core of a Hip Hop song (i.e. verses that are often measured by “16 bars”), paired with the wow-factor of the artist (i.e. the lyrics), I respectfully assign the pseudonym 16 Lyrics for Def Jam throughout the duration of this paper. As Hip Hop appreciators and fans, when we reflect on the music of Run DMC, LL Cool J, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy and Jay-Z to name a few, we must recognize the vehicle in which these artist used to jumpstart their careers was 16 Lyrics.…
This article is a response to Kevin Powell’s article “Notes of a Hip Hop Head”. In his article, Kevin states “just as it was unfair to demonize men of color in the 60’s solely as wild-eyed radicals when what they wanted, amidst their fury, was a little freedom and a little power, today it is wrong to categorically dismiss hip-hop without…
Although Morgan addresses the negatives to hip-hop music and rap, she also highlights what she appreciates and admires about it. The things she values in this style of music is that it offers a rare opportunity for black men to voice their despair, and she values the fact that its popularity provides a channel for a strong voice commenting on their communities. Morgan argues that listeners should hear these sexist and angry lyrics as a sign that large-scale changes that are necessary in the opportunities available to black men.…
African American hip hop culture gained popularity in the decades following the Civil Rights movement that ended in the 1960s. In today’s society, we refer to the music of the 1970s and 1980s as “old school” hip-hop. These songs are notable for the simple rapping techniques used as well as lyrics that primarily focus on party-related subjects. The song titled “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five is an example of an old school hip hop song that strayed away from the typical party-related lyrics and focused on telling a story about life in the ghetto. This song ultimately changed the content and tone of hip hop forever by accurately proving Ralph Ellison’s three-step process as part of the blues music, portraying the harsh life in the hood, and ultimately becoming one of the most successful rap songs of all time.…
In the 1980s, we saw many different genres of music emerge, genres such as Pop, Rock, and R&B. But a new genre emerged that sparked a lot of controversy: “Gangsta Rap” otherwise known as Hip Hop. Rappers/Rap groups such as NWA, Run DMC, Big Daddy Kane, and more changed the industry with catchy tunes and lyrics that talked about hard topics like slavery, violence, and police brutality. These lyrics sometimes caused major conflict, whether between races or with civilians and police. Hip Hop was very controversial in the 80s. “Gangsta rap” has caused a lot of controversy, many people protested this music in the late 80s and 90s due to the message within its lyrics and what those lyrics conveyed. Many accused “Gangsta Rap” for promoting things such as crime, killings, profanity, drugs, sex, racism, and more. But Gangsta rap doesn’t influence this type of lifestyle; it’s telling a story/conveying a message of the individuals who wrote the lyrics.…
In the late 1970’s a new, popular form of urban youth culture emerged in the Bronx, New York that changed the face of popular music and American culture. Throughout its development, hip-hop has become a vastly commercialized component of popular American culture; however, it took the efforts of many pioneers and innovators to shape modern hip-hop culture and music. By exploring hip-hop’s origins, one can better understand its evolution and its influence on different social groups throughout the United States.…
In James McBride article “Hip Hop Planet”, he introduces the reader to many issues that are affecting society, including violence, social class, and racism. McBride ensures that he includes hip-hop’s history, in order to explain that the musical genre began as an attempt to avoid or prevent teen gang involvement. Additionally, social class is present in hip hop culture because many of the artist's success determined by the resources that they have when beginning their career as a DJ. Lastly, race is revealed to play a large role in hip hop culture due to the fact that many rappers include lyrics about racial injustices, as well as tension between people of different cultures. Although McBride introduces different arguments throughout his essay,…
“More than simply entertainment, hip hop is a major part of contemporary identity circuits –networks of philosophies and aesthetics based on blackness, poverty, violence, power, resistance, and capitalist accumulation” (Pardue 674). Music has been a potent technique for engendering convivial vigilance throughout American history. Music simultaneously reflects trends, ideals, conditions in society, and inspires attitudinal progression and convivial change.…
In recent years, controversy in Hip-hop culture has been in the mix of America media. From the hype of the lyrics and the impact that Hip-hop music has on the youth. It seems that political and media groups have been quick to place all of the blame on rap music for the trend in youth violence from the murders and the gang related problems. However, forms of music cannot be understood unless you study the fame of its historical and social context. Hip-hop culture reflects the young, urban, working-class African Americans and uses the voice to express the views of the everyday life and the struggle. Now in the pop culture Hip Hop music popularity has grown, and now commercialization has took place and the culture and the origin is controlled by the music industry.…
Hip hop is one of the most controversial and beloved genres of music amongst the youth and working class culture of the 20th century (Aldridge et al. 2016). Even though it is popularized as just a form of music, some would argue that it is a lifestyle that transcends borders. It is an art form that has been driven through the social, economic, and cultural realities that individuals face on a daily basis while sampling jazz, rock, blues, and soul to compose a breed of its own (Aldridge et al. 2016, Rice 2003). The imbedded realities within hip hop create a social consciousness that reflect the ideologies of the Civil Rights Movement and serves as a positive outlet that lets the youth express their frustrations while pushing towards a solution…
Binfield, M.R. (2009). “Bigger Than Hip Hop: Music and Politics in the Hip Hop Generation.” Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin.…