After the first world war Canada started to become more independent from the British empire. At the imperial conference in 1921, prime minister Arthur Meighen opposed a British plan for renewing the alliance with Japan. This decision was based strongly on the American opposition. In 1922, a diplomatic crisis occurred in Turkey, the Canadians did not help, this showed their growing independence. The prime minister let the parliament decide, but by the time they had made a decision the problem was over. By the next time there was a conference, it was clear that the British empire needed a new view.
In 1923, Canadian prime minister of fisheries signed a treaty with the U.S. stating the rights between the 2 countries. This was the first non British event of Canada for an international event. Another important even also occurred that year. Prime minister King stated that Canadian parliament had the right to make their own decisions for themselves for all issues, domestic and foreign.
During the period of 1927-1929 the first ambassador was appointed to the U.S., and also joined the league of nations. By 1929, Canada had embassies in Paris and Tokyo.
In the 1920's , relations between Canada and the U.S. grew closer. Although they had been allies since 1917 (when the U.S. entered the war), trade increased between the borders, as did American investments in Canadian companies. American luxuries increased in Canada also, as in movies magazines, music and radio programs. As a step towards good will, direct talk between prime ministers and presidents were held. The first was in 1927 between Prime Minister King and President Coolidge in Washington. This was the first of many summit meetings in the relations.
The "Persons" Case was a very important part in Canadian history. Voting and holding political office was one step towards political equality for women. Emily Murphy was the first magistrate in 1916, therefore becoming the first female judge in the British