
Cancer and Prevention

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Cancer and Prevention
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Did you know that one in four people will get cancer in the United States? This is a very high chance to get a disease that is so horrible. Have you ever wondered what is cancer and how do so many people get it? Even, if you know about cancer, and how people get this horrible disease have you ever thought to yourself what are the risk factors that can contribute to this disease? What risks can I cut out of my life to lower my chance of getting cancer? After learning all you can about cancer and cutting out all of the bad risks, then you can go about living a healthy lifestyle. Understand cancer, the prevention, how to cure this disease, and the cure of cancer will help you lead to living a healthy lifestyle.
Some have been hit with this horrible disease of cancer. It may not be them specifically, but a family member or someone that is close to them. Then they often ask how does cancer start? Cancer starts to develop when the body’s normal control mechanism stops working. This lets these horrible little cells in that destroys other cells. Cancer just keeps growing and growing. It is an uncontrolled growth of the abnormal cells in the body. There are five main categories of cancer. They are: carcinomas, sarcomas leukemia, lymphomas, and central nervous system cancers. (Institute, 2006) Each cancer has its own growth rate and it all depends on where the caner starts at and if it travels and attacks other healthy cells. There are couple different type of treatment options for cancer. This all depends on what type of cancer it is, what stage the cancer it in, and if the cancer has spread to any other part of the body, besides where it originated at. The three main types of cancer is surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. These treatments sometimes kill the cancer cells altogether, and sometimes it just shrinks them so you can live as normally as you can. Cancer is an abnormal cell that can grow in five stages, and are very

References: ASCO. (2011, 11 December). Retrieved from American Society of Clinical Oncology: Institute, N. C. (2006, October 4). National Institute of Health . Retrieved from National Cancer Institute: Johnson, D. M. (2013, October). Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Retrieved from CTCA:

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