Cancer of the pancreas also known as adenocarcinoma has a high mortality rate. A malignancy in the head of the pancreas can block the common bile duct, and symptoms are experienced earlier than those of cancer in the body or tail of the pancreas, which can be very advanced before it is discovered. Obstruction of the bile duct causes jaundice and impairs digestion because the pancreatic enzymes and bile cannot enter the duodenum. This causes malabsorption of fat and clay colored stools; sufficient nutrients and calories cannot be absorbed, and weight loss occurs. Great pain is experienced as the tumor grows, and the cancer usually metastasizes to the surrounding organs which include the duodenum, stomach, and liver. Diagnosis depends on laparoscopic biopsy and ultra sound. Prognosis for cancer of the pancreas is poor, and death occurs in a relatively short time. Treatment which is rarely successful includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Pancreatic cancer is more common in men than women and is linked to cigarette smoking, high protein and fat food diets, food additives, and exposure to industrial chemicals like beta naphthalene, benzidine, and urea. Chronic alcohol abuse, chronic pancreatitis, and diabetes mellitus increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. One way to control the way one is eating can help reduce the risk of getting pancreatic cancer. If all you eat is high protein and fats in your food you run the risk of getting pancreatic cancer. You can also help reduce your risk for getting this disease by cutting back on the amount you smoke. Although I know it is hard to quit from experience even if you cut back until you realize you do not need to smoke them anymore can be of a great help. This concludes my report on cancer of the pancreas.
Cancer of the pancreas also known as adenocarcinoma has a high mortality rate. A malignancy in the head of the pancreas can block the common bile duct, and symptoms are experienced earlier than those of cancer in the body or tail of the pancreas, which can be very advanced before it is discovered. Obstruction of the bile duct causes jaundice and impairs digestion because the pancreatic enzymes and bile cannot enter the duodenum. This causes malabsorption of fat and clay colored stools; sufficient nutrients and calories cannot be absorbed, and weight loss occurs. Great pain is experienced as the tumor grows, and the cancer usually metastasizes to the surrounding organs which include the duodenum, stomach, and liver. Diagnosis depends on laparoscopic biopsy and ultra sound. Prognosis for cancer of the pancreas is poor, and death occurs in a relatively short time. Treatment which is rarely successful includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Pancreatic cancer is more common in men than women and is linked to cigarette smoking, high protein and fat food diets, food additives, and exposure to industrial chemicals like beta naphthalene, benzidine, and urea. Chronic alcohol abuse, chronic pancreatitis, and diabetes mellitus increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. One way to control the way one is eating can help reduce the risk of getting pancreatic cancer. If all you eat is high protein and fats in your food you run the risk of getting pancreatic cancer. You can also help reduce your risk for getting this disease by cutting back on the amount you smoke. Although I know it is hard to quit from experience even if you cut back until you realize you do not need to smoke them anymore can be of a great help. This concludes my report on cancer of the pancreas.