Panimalar Engineering College
Panimalar Engineering College
Abstract: This paper is an overview of advances and prospects in application of nanotechnology for cancer prevention, detection and treatment. We begin with brief description of the underlying causes of cancer. Then we address preventive treatment, disease-time treatment, and diagnosis in the context of some of the most recent advances in nano technology. Nanoparticle science is also briefly addressed as the foundation upon which most nanotechnology cancer therapy is based. It is demonstrated how nanotechnology can help solve one of the most challenging and longstanding problems in medicine, which is how to eliminate cancer without harming normal body tissue
According to the US National Cancer Institute (OTIR, 2006) “Nanotechnology will change the very foundations of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention”. We have already seen how nanotechnology, an extremely wide and versatile field, can affect many of its composing disciplines in amazingly innovative and unpredictable ways. In fact, nanotechnology and the ideas and methods that it encompasses can be applied to almost any problem that leading researchers face today. Even the most seemingly impossible problems like HIV and cancer become only obstacles in the path to solutions, if we take an imaginative approach. Of course, this is quite logical, since everything around us is made up of atomic and molecular matter, and all of our problems are ultimately rooted in atomic and molecular arrangements. Nanotechnology has at last provided a way for us to rearrange and restructure matter on an atomic scale, allowing us to reach down to the very roots of any problem. Provided that we can thoroughly understand the problem on an atomic scale and develop the know-how to turn our innovative ideas for the perfect
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