The treatment of any kind of disease, especially a group of disease like cancer is more effective when it is detected in the early stages as the chances of it getting fully cured and the overall life ratio of the patient raises manifold. With the coming of age medical treatments and breakthrough in the field of cancer research, there are various advanced tools and techniques which point at the screening and the diagnosis of the cancers in the early stages.
Screening tests of cancer
Goals of screening of cancer
Researchers all over the world are toiling hard to develop tests and tools to find specific ways to deduce the presence of cancer in humans even before the symptoms or the signs begin to appear. This …show more content…
is what is screening and the main objectives of screening tests are discussed below.
• These screening tests reduce the number of people who die of the same each year and also to reduce the number of deaths from it.
• These tests also aim at reducing the number of people affected by the disease altogether.
Types of cancer screening tests
Some of the cancer screening tests which have been effective in reducing deaths from cancer are:
1. Sigmoidoscopy, High-sensitivity fecal occult blood test (FOBTs) and colonoscopy: Some of the screening tests that needs mention are the ones to detect the cancer in the rectum and the colon region and which are mandatory for people over fifty to carry out regularly as they are at high risk at the age. All these screening tests have been shown to reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancers. Where Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy helps in preventing the occurrence of colorectal cancers. The Double- contrast barium enema is another procedure related to these cancers which involves the process of x-raying the rectum and the colon repeatedly to check for concerns. Digital rectum test is once again another regular rectum examination done by a medical practitioner but examines the lowest part of the rectum area.
2. Mammography: This test is majorly used to deduce breast cancer issues and to reduce the death count in women. In the mammography procedure a simple x ray is taken of the breast so that early detection is possible. It is however important for women in their forties to go for a yearly mammography test to stay …show more content…
3. Low-dosage helical computed tomography: This test is specifically reduce lung cancer issues in smokers.
4. HPV testing and Pap test: These tests are mainly devised to reduce the occurrence of cervical cancers and also reduce the death toll in regards to the same. The Pap test also known as Pap smear test is one which is extensively used to test the cells in the cervix region which leads to early detection of cancer risks or any changes in the body which might cause cancer in the future. While women should have the Pap test done once every year, once she has her first intercourse it becomes compulsory than ever before.
Some of the less used tests are:
1. Breast MRI: This is a special test to reduce the risk of breast and other cancers for women due to a harmful mutation in the BRCA2 and BRCA2 gene.
2. Regular breast examination: Can be self-driven and can be done by health care an expert, this one helps anyone to understand if they are at risk of breast cancer.
3. Skin tests: This is another array of tests which need to be done on a regular basis to understand the changes in the skin and if any, it should be reported to the doctor immediately to avoid skin cancer woes.
4. Virtual colonoscopy: These are the examination of the rectum and colon from outside the body and have not yet been categorized for less death poll in cancers of the same.
5. Alpha-fetoprotein blood test: This one along with the help of ultrasound is used to deduce the occurrence of liver cancer.
6. CA-125 test: Although not proved to be beneficial as a cancer screening test, this one is used along with transvaginal ultrasound to deduce the occurrence of ovarian cancer.
7. PSA test: This is a screening to detect the occurrence of prostate cancer and is used alongside a digital rectum test.
8. Transvaginal ultrasound test: This one is a imagery test which is used to deduce the occurrence of uterine/ ovarian cancer in high risk women.
Diagnosis of cancer
If the symptoms your body showcases or the screening tests suggests that cancer might be present, doctors would require to understand whether the issues are pointing towards cancer or some other underlying issue altogether.
To understand the issue better, they would delve deep into your family and personal medical history and carry out a range of physical examinations too. The medical practitioner might also add various x-rays, lab tests and other processes to deduce the problem better as well.
1. Imaging Procedures: While almost all of the cancer detecting tests are mentioned above, doctors might ask you for various imaging procedures which gives the doctor a pictorial representation of your internal part and make him/her understand whether a tumor is present or not. Some of the various such procedures include x-rays, CT scans, radionuclide scans, ultrasound, MRI, and PET scan among others.
2. Laboratory tests: The other tests that the doctor might consider are the tests of urine, blood and other body fluids which will let the doctor decide better. However it is important to note that these tests are not the defining factors of cancer and thus the other mentioned forms of diagnosis are