First, after your sugar binge, you start to feel energetic with the sugar high. The body releases …show more content…
It was my first all-nighter with my church youth group. It was the night I discovered I had hypoglycemia. I was so worried that I would fall asleep and not be able to stay awake through the night. I was only in 7th grade and wanted to stay up and prove myself to all of the older kids. I drank a Monster and ate a bunch of candy and sweets to stay awake. I had a major sugar high. Then, at about 3 am I crashed. I was nauseous and all I wanted to do was sleep. I had had no protein or any food of substance the whole night, which affected my blood sugar. I ended up having someone drive me home and I went to sleep. I was extremely exhausted, but, like the article said, it was a rough night’s sleep. I kept on waking up through the night. I then found out the next week that I had hypoglycemia and now I know how to manage it.
I agree with this article. Many people try to not eat a boatload of candy on Halloween, but it’s just so hard to resist. They end up with a sugar high and have no idea how to counteract it. This article is helpful for people of all ages. I now know what to do if I go on a sugar binge and how to cure the