Capital Expenditure vs Revenue Expenditure
Carlos Flannigan
Instructor: Tameka Johnson
October2 ,2014
Expenditures are unavoidable for any company to exist in the competitive market, to expand the business or to find new opportunities to open up beneficial business in those areas, etc. Expenditure is defined as payments of cash or cash equivalent for goods or services, or a charge against available funds in settlement of an obligation as evidenced by a source document like invoice, voucher, receipt, etc. All payments made by a company can be broadly categorized into capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.
A Capital Expenditure is an amount spent to acquire or enhance a productive asset to increase the capacity or efficiency of a company for more than an accounting period is defined as capital expenditure. That is, simply, capital expenditure is the expenditure made with the intention of getting the benefit from that expenditure for more than one year (usually accounting period is one year). For example, amount spent on long-term assets like machinery, plants, buildings, etc, either to improve or to acquire, is capital expenditure. Normally capital expenditure is capitalized in the books of accounts and then that amount will be depreciated over the useful life of the assets. It is also known as capital spending. It is essential to understand the differences between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure as the accounting treatments are different.
A Revenue Expenditure is any cash or resources spent on sales revenue generation or for maintaining a revenue-generating asset is defined as revenue expenditure. Revenue expenditure is an expenditure, which is made with an intention of getting some benefits within a short period of