effecting the Ozone layer. We are also see an increase in chronic diseases like cancer mainly in Alberta where majority of the oil sands and mining are for Canada. Furthermore, we have forgotten our social responsibility to use our resources responsibly and perceive Mother Nature. Instead, Cooperation’s like McDonalds, Oil companies, Gucci have manipulated us or changed our cognitive thought to be more materialistic in society to consume as much as possible which has caused mental diseases like depression, chronic stress, insomnia, heart attacks in society due to isolation and very high demands. Cooperation’s like this are also causing lots of pollution in the environment like dumping waste or toxic material in the river which is killing living organisms in the environment. Therefore, we must reorganize our Capitalist system and be more socially responsible for the environment. Carbon dioxide and the economic system are closely linked to each other as the economic demands for more supplies and more production carbon dioxide or Greenhouse gas increases. Canada is one the largest producers of GHG producing 14.68 metric tons of GHG. Canada is one is highest energy consumers because of the extreme cold and hot weather. Canada’s most energy consumption comes from space heating (61%), hot water heating (21%), appliances and lights (17%) etc but new inventions and more efficient are being used now. But all the GHG emissions does have a great human cost all over the world. In Canada, Higher temperatures and more frequent and severe extreme weather events may increase the risk of deaths from dehydration, hyperthermia, heart strokes or any other injuries from intense weather conditions. People living in the northern territories of will have a harder time to adjust to the weather conditions especially elders and children. These human health problems can place additional economic stress on health and social support systems. Alberta tar sands is a great example of health risks from GHG. The whole province of Alberta had been affected by the tar sands.
There are so many health risks associated with GHG emissions and pollution in the world right now. We see an increase in Cancer rates, depression, obesity etc all linked to the current style of Capital system. For example, tar sands or mining in Alberta has caused lung cancer on the miners. This is because equipment in mining runs on diesels and diesel has been linkd with increased heart attack or lung cancer. They exhaust concentrations build up within the enclosed areas, and focused on non-metal because that more or less eliminates exposure to other carcinogens such as radon, silica, and asbestos which cause health risks towards workers or miners. Based on a study done why the US federal state workers with lots of diesel exposure had five times the rate of lung cancer as those with very little and miners with have risk three times the risk of having lung cancer. The current style of Capitalism is also to blame as the Canadian government is selling the cooperate agenda to Canadians.
As more people are manipulated by corporates through advertising and marketing people have made us more materialistic and changed our cognitive thoughts have been changed. As, we see in the four horsemen YouTube video we see our neo-capitalist style has pushed us towards the ideology of indivualism. As, we see more people are becoming more narsaistic because of media owned by cooperates. This, in turn has affected our health as more people have become more depressed, more pressure and stress are forced against us from media and governments to produce more and consume more. This neo-capitalist style are affecting us and our future generations. The idea of consumerism embedded on us by cooperate organizations has causes us to think that true happiness is the extent of your personal consumptions particularly on materiel goods. This consumerist society where we devote a great deal of time, energy and resources because everyone believes that consumption is good and more consumption is better. For example, teenagers in my younger brother’s age focus more on clothing than in any other generations of teenagers. We see this behavior because more young people like teenagers and kids are being manipulated by the media to buy certain brands of clothing like Gucci, Guess, Jack and Jones, Canadian Goose etc. We see this because they think that wearing fashionable clothing or dressing in a certain way gives a prescribed status. There is also pressure from classmates to dress this way or face social rejections or even worse getting labelled a bum. This has forced some teenagers to get part time jobs to support their consumer needs even if it affects their studies. The media has also influenced to believe that if you look good you feel good which is not true because feeling healthy has nothing to do with your looks. This neo-capitalist system has effected
younger population negatively while cooperates make massive amounts of profit. This consumerist society is affecting the environment heavily for example Canada goose jacket markets itself as eco-friendly, ethical company while reality thousands of hyenas are killed by the company. The infamous leg trap that is used to capture these animals are banned in several countries. Leg trap intention are to prevent the escape of an animal who is fighting for his or her life. Many animals die trying to escape from dehydration, blood loss and hypothermia. Canada Goose Company is only one of the hundreds of ethical companies that are affecting the environment or in extreme killing civilians on other countries because of the high consumer needs. We have all this evidence that our capital system is failing and is causing the environment to suffer massively but we chose to be ignorant towards it. Politicians and business keep on making millions while people simply do not care. If we do not care about our future generations will suffer we already see in this young as they are becoming more like what the media wants them to be. We see animals and the ecosystem being disturbed because of our consumer needs for example cows or chickens are stored in a factory style system. Or hyenas killed in ethical manner because of the desire for their fur. All these acts are inhuman. Furthermore, more people are not conscious or simply do not seek the information to see the truth. I am very that there are still people like John Perkins, Prof Herman Daly, Tarek El Diwany etc all the cast members from the four horsemen documentary who offer the right information. I agree with them on going to the Classical approach of economics, going back to gold standard of money, tax system based on consumption and employee owned business.